10 Ways To Build An Attractive Professional Facebook Profile

By far, Facebook is the most widely used social media platform. There is more you can do with it than just utilize it to connect with friends, share a joke, or skim through the feed when you have free time. Making connections with others is the greatest approach to begin started if you’re a professional looking to collaborate with others in the business.

Therefore, enhancing your Facebook profile in a smart method might catch the attention of other businesspeople. Despite the fact that it’s not a job-hunting website, you never know who you might run into. So, here are some pointers for creating an expert Facebook profile.

1. Upload A Professional Profile Picture And Header

Your profile photo appears whenever you like, comment on, or publish something on Facebook. You want to pick the finest Facebook profile image you can because it’s what people see initially. You don’t have to wear a suit, just be careful not to appear unprofessional. Avoid wearing sunglasses or a mask since your face should be clearly seen in the photo.

The same applies to your header or cover photo. A excellent header should highlight your areas of expertise, your offerings, or even your interests outside of work. You may also include links to your professional profiles in the header’s description.

2. Make Your Bio Reflect Your Profession

The bio is probably the second thing a user will see after your profile image and header when they click on your profile. Therefore, be certain that your bio appropriately represents both you and your profession.

Keeping things straightforward is preferable to inserting arbitrary quotes. Don’t include a quote only for the sake of doing so; only include one if it accurately captures who you are or your personality. Make sure your bio is succinct and straightforward because the primary focus should be on your profession. In this scenario, little is more.

3. Update the About Section With Accurate Info

The majority of people rarely update their profile’s About section. This area of your profile lists your hometown, present workplace, and the date you joined Facebook. Your educational background and any websites you manage could also be included.

As a general rule, include three crucial data, followed by links to your website or other professional profiles. Facebook has launched a function that now lets you add interests, but you should avoid doing that as it can clog up the About section significantly.

4. Link to Your Other Professional Profiles

Most individuals use Facebook more casually than other websites since so few people use it to find employees. So it makes sense to link to your other professional profiles to promote those sites.

For better access, you can include these links in your “About” section. Make a portfolio website if you haven’t already, and include a link to it in your profile. You should unquestionably include a link to both your LinkedIn page and, if it applies to your line of work, your Instagram profile.

5. Share Work-Related Content

If you’ve used Facebook for a time, you’re probably used to posting and sharing content that is dispersed around the site. Probably included in this are memes, comics, tweets, and sporadic threads. While there is nothing wrong with it, if you want to come off as professional, it conveys the wrong message.

Instead, sharing content from your place of employment demonstrates your enthusiasm for that field. Share articles if you are a designer that emphasize photography, design components, and perhaps even infographics. Similar to this, try posting articles from websites like StackOverflow, FreeCodeCamp, etc. if you are a coder.

6. Tweak Privacy Settings

Any content you share on Facebook is typically only visible to Friends, so only the people you have added as friends can see it. By adjusting your Facebook privacy settings, you can modify this.

If possible, you should want everyone to be able to see the professional content you provide on your profile. By engaging in this behavior, you can demonstrate to potential clients that you are not just a skilled professional who updates their profile but also a person with influence and a following.

When sharing a post, you can select Friends as the audience from the Audience button if you have something you only want your friends to see.

7. Review Posts That You Are Tagged In

It can be really aggravating to continually be tagged in posts. Even worse, when you are tagged in a post, it shows up on your profile and is visible to everyone. Fortunately, Facebook just included a setting that enables you to see posts that tag you before they appear on your profile.

Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy > Profile and Tagging to enable this. Make sure the option to Review posts you are tagged in is turned on from here. When you’re tagged in a post after that, Facebook will prompt you to decide whether you want to be included or not. On your timeline, just the posts that you approve will be shown.

8. Review Old Posts

Consider going back and reading some of your earlier Facebook posts. You don’t want people to browse through your profile in order to notice your hobbies because you never know whether they might.

So go over your posts, both recent and older, and remove anything that might turn readers off. To be safe, you might also wish to refrain from posting anything political.

9. Review Your Likes and Groups

Visitors to your profile can also see the pages you enjoy and the groups you belong to. Use the same approach as you would for prior posts here. Unfollow any contentious, deceptive, or harmful pages or groups. Additionally, you can modify privacy settings to make the pages you follow  just visible to you.

10. Customize Profile URL

A unique Facebook profile URL is more professional than the predetermined username Facebook assigns. To modify the URL of your Facebook profile:

  • Click your profile picture and then select Settings & Privacy from any Facebook page.
  • Next, select Settings from the left-hand panel.
  • You are now on the page for general account settings. Click the Edit button located here, next to the Username area.
  • Click Save Changes after entering your new username, preferably your whole name without any symbols.

Now, rather than the generic code that is difficult to remember and unattractive, Facebook will display your name (or selected username) in the URL box when you visit your profile.

Make Your Facebook Presence Professional for Better Gains

The majority of these pointers are Facebook-specific, but if you’re looking for bigger prospects, you’ll also need to create credible profiles on other social media sites. You should also optimize your LinkedIn profile if you’re looking for new clients.

You can do a lot more to increase your chances of getting a better job. In addition to networking with as many individuals in your business as you can, you should work to establish a credible email account.

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