How to Apply for Cherie Blair Foundation: Mentoring Women in Business Programme 2021

The Cherie Blair Foundation Mentoring Women in Business Program was originated from the belief in the power of mentoring, a realisation of the technology role can apply in the connections of building, and a view that is a powerful force for change.

How to Apply for Cherie Blair Foundation: Mentoring Women in Business ProgrammeA new way is then created to support women entrepreneurs around the world to strengthen, and grow their businesses by forging these elements together, and also building their confidence, knowledge, and skills.

Phases of mentoring

  • Phase 1: (Getting to know each other): This time is used by pairs to build an effective, and trusting relationship by telling each other about their experience, their business, and themselves as humans.
  • Phase 2: (Setting of Goals): The achievement of the mentee will be focused on by the pairs over the course of mentoring period, they will developed goals and as well work on it as team.
  • Phase 3: (Progression): Derived set goals are being worked on by pairs for during the program period. They are expected to work closely with their mentor to make sure that possible amendments of goals are done when necessary, and remain on track.
  • Phase 4: (Wrapping up): Pairs look back on what they have achieved during the final month, and make plans on how the mentee will continue working on her business after the ends of the relationship.


  • Mentee must be proficient in English Language, both oral and written.
  • Must be running his/her own business (which means decision making authority or ownership is in his/her own disposal) or planning to startup own firm within the next three (3) months.
  • Be a woman from a low, or middle income country.
  • Muust be able to commit his/her time to the programme for twelve (12) month.
  • Be nominated by one of our local referral partners.
  • Willing to work with a mentor in order to build confidence, personal skills of development, and personal business.
  • Must be able to complete several feedback questionnaires before the end of application.
  • Mentee are expected to obey the stipulated code of conduct.
  • Mentee are expected to complete end of program surveys, and interim before time.
  • Meet online with their mentor, for at leadt 2 hours per month, for a year.
  • Submit, and develop goals to be worked on with their mentor(s).
  • Are expected to be proactive in setting its directions, and during the mentoring period.
  •  Mentee are expected to undergo two (2) or three (3) hours of training in pre-matching time.


  • Mentee get lasting, incredible, and life-changing experience.
  • Mentee get access to a LinkedIn networking group that is closed.
  • Mentee get a match that aligns with your experiences, and professional skills
  •  Menteeget training to ensure a collaborative, and productive experience.
  • Get proactive and engaged ongoing support from the foundation team
  •  Mentee get access to a suite of online resources in order to help you develop your professional skills.
  • Mentee get a keen professional mentor of any gender, with an experience in business of not less than seven (7) years.
  • Mentee get a direct guidance, and structured support from a professional, to help develop personal expertise and skills that will help towards own business goals.


As a Mentee, there are two ways to join the programme:

1) You can stand as an independent mentee, if there are no organizations with whom you can be affiliated to.
2) As an affiliate of one of our Mentee referral partners in your local country, which is strongly recommended you can click here to get a partner.

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