Summary Of NASIMS Interactive Session With Npower Batch C Beneficiaries

Nasims has provided a summary of the interactive session with Npower C beneficiaries that took place on Monday, July 10th, 2023.

According to Nasims, the majority of the questions asked by beneficiaries during the recently finished event “Half Hour With Npower C Beneficiaries” focused on:

1) The position and fate of C1 beneficiaries in the Npower program.

2) The payment/program continuation.

3) Payment date for the number of months owed (Outstanding payments)

4) The fate of all unpaid Npower C1 beneficiaries for September, October and November stipends respectively.

5) The position of Batch C Beneficiaries who received a Pre-selection Message.

6) Who should have their accounts validated?

Nasims Responses To the Questions Asked above Were as follows:

1) Please note that, Npower C1 program has officially ended long ago (August, 2022). The additional payment received for September, October and November respectively by C1 beneficiaries was Nexit package, which was considered worthwhile by H.M. Sadiya Umar Faroug out of her magnanimous nature.

2) However, Npower program continuation is totally at Mr President’s discretion. We are yet to confirm the status of the Npower program, consequentially, we can’t give a definite answer to number two question. Also, Payments continuation are dependent of Mr President’s approval.

3) Payment date for the months owed is also unknown, holding the fact that fund for the payments are yet to be approved by the new administration. Therefore payment date still remain unknown and will definitely be initiated upon approval.

4) For the C1 beneficiaries yet to receive their additional payment for September, October and November respectively(Nexit Package) will definitely get their payments once funds are approved and made available to us.

5) Pre-Selected beneficiaries are supplementary of C2. These Beneficiaries should adhere strictly to the instructions contained in the massage received and then wait for further directives.

6) We sent Account validation link strictly to those C2 beneficiaries whose account details weren’t correctly captured in our payroll and database. However, C1 beneficiaries who are having payment issues can also utilize this opportunity.

3 thoughts on “Summary Of NASIMS Interactive Session With Npower Batch C Beneficiaries”


    Oh! Our able STEPHEN ADOGA, thank U sir, for that clear and understandable answers to the questions.
    As we pray for quick governance.

    Thanks for all.

  2. Madaki Abubakar

    Good evening
    I am Madaki Abubakar by name 🙏
    My concern is on the extra September, October and November payment.
    I believe the past government has approved those payments before you could be able to dispense it out then.
    So why waiting for the present government for such.
    Thanks to the past government.
    Thanks to the present government,
    Thanks to our Mama in npower and
    Thank you all.

    1. Stephen Adoga

      Hi Madaki.

      While the previous government may have approved the stipends covering the three months, it is important to remember, like you have rightly pointed out, that there is a new government in place. Aside that, all heads of Federal Ministries were sacked by the present government and new appointments haven’t been made. Therefore, it is likely the disbursement of the funds is being delayed by the issues I have pointed out because, even if the previous administration has approved the stipends for those months, there still need to be someone in place to sign off the funds before banks can credit the accounts of beneficiaries. Patience will be key here.

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