Coal City University Annual Essay Contest 2023

Coal City University annual essay contest is organized to encourage students to develop their writing skills, build confidence, and showcase their creativity. It helps to increase awareness of current global issues among the young population. It aims to encourage and awaken the young mind’s initiative and capacity for creative thoughts toward sustainable development. In addition, the essay contest also seeks to get society to learn from the students and to recognize that it is our collective responsibility to address these issues.


 “Drug Abuse in Nigeria”

Drug abuse is a growing problem among Nigerian youths, and it poses a significant threat to the nation’s social, economic, and political well-being. In Nigeria, the issue of drug abuse among the youths is multifaceted with a range of factors, including social, economic, and cultural factors contributing to the problem.

The key factors driving drug abuse among Nigerian youths are poverty and lack of access to basic amenities such as education, healthcare, and housing, leaving them idle and vulnerable to substance abuse.

Another factor that contributes to drug abuse among Nigerian youths is peer pressure. Many young people succumb to peer pressure. They experiment with drugs to fit in or be accepted by their peers. This act often leads to addiction, and many young people find themselves trapped in a cycle of drug abuse.

The availability and accessibility of drugs in Nigeria have increased dramatically in recent years, with drug traffickers and dealers exploiting the vulnerability of young people to make a profit. The Nigerian government’s efforts to tackle drug trafficking and abuse have been largely ineffective, and this has contributed to the problem.

To address drug abuse among Nigerian youths, there is a need for a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of the problem. This includes investing in education and vocational training programs that will provide young people with the skills and knowledge they need to secure meaningful employment. Additionally, the government needs to provide basic amenities such as healthcare, education, and housing to reduce poverty and the associated risk factors that contribute to drug abuse.

Efforts should also be made to increase public awareness of the dangers of drug abuse, including the physical and mental health consequences, as well as the social and economic costs. This can be done through public campaigns and educational programs targeting young people and their families.

Drug abuse among Nigerian youths is a significant problem that requires urgent attention. By addressing the underlying causes of the problem and implementing a comprehensive approach that includes education, awareness campaigns, and law enforcement, we can reduce the prevalence of drug abuse and its associated negative consequences on Nigerian society.


 Once upon a time in Nigeria, there was a young man named Tunde. Tunde was a bright student who always excelled in his studies and had big dreams for his future. However, Tunde had a secret that he kept hidden from his friends and family. He was addicted to drugs.

At first, Tunde only used drugs recreationally. He would smoke weed with his friends on the weekends and feel a temporary high. But soon, he found himself needing more and more drugs to feel the same effect. He started using harder drugs like cocaine and heroin, and his life began to spiral out of control.

Tunde’s addiction led to him dropping out of school and losing touch with his family and friends. He became homeless and spent his days begging for money to buy drugs. His addiction had taken over his life, and he didn’t know how to break free.

 As a senior secondary school student in Nigeria, you have the opportunity to research and write about drug abuse issues in Nigeria (not more than 1000 words). The prompt for this essay could be:

“Drug Abuse in Nigeria: Exploring the Causes, Effects, and Solutions”

In your essay, you could delve into the factors that contribute to drug abuse in Nigeria, such as poverty, peer pressure, and lack of education. You could also discuss the devastating effects of drug abuse, not just on the individual but on their families and communities as well. And most importantly, you may discuss potential solutions to this societal problem, such as increased access to treatment and education.

The purpose of this essay is to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse in Nigeria and inspire others to take positive action. We want that as you write this essay, you take time to deeply reflect on your points, internalize the material and be prepared to share your findings with peers. If your essay is selected for an award, you may be invited to the award ceremony where you will present and discuss it.

Benefits of CCU Annual Essay Contest

To encourage participation and reward excellence, the following prizes would be awarded:

  • First Prize: 500,000 naira or Full tuition fee scholarship in Coal City University for any choice of course and a Certificate of Achievement
  • Second Prize: 250,000 naira and a Certificate of Achievement
  • Third Prize: 150,000 naira and a Certificate of Achievement
  • All Shortlisted Students: Consolation prizes and a Certificate of Participation
  • Other Awards (Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable.

Requirements for CCU Annual Essay Contest Qualification

  • Any student in Senior Secondary School (SS1-SS3) who registers for the contest may submit an essay.
  • The essay’s length should be between 700-1000 words, and the title of the essay and the author’s name should be typed at the top of the first page (these are not included in the word count limit).
  • The essay should be in British English.
  • Participants should submit their registration and entry online via the University’s website, Only one entry per person will be accepted.
  • Submissions must be original, and plagiarized essays will be rejected.
  • Co-authored essays will not be accepted.
  • The organizers would be assigned the copyright of the entered essays.

Interview date, Process and Venue

 Judging Criteria

  • Relevance to the topic
  • Clarity of thought and expression
  • Coherence and organization of the essay
  • Originality and creativity of the ideas presented
  • Research depth and supporting evidence
  • Grammatical accuracy and overall writing quality

Selection Procedure

 The essay contest selection procedure will be as follows:

  • Registration: Interested students will register for the contest by filling out a registration form, which will be available on the school’s website ( The registration form will include the student’s name, school, grade level, contact information, and a confirmation that they have read and understood the guidelines.
  • Submission: Students will be required to submit their essays via the school’s website ( by the deadline for submission, June 9, 2023.
  • Judging: The essays will be judged by a panel of judges who will evaluate the submissions based on the criteria outlined. The judges will consist of a team of Professionals who will evaluate the essays anonymously. All submissions will be given equal consideration.
  • Shortlisting: The judges will shortlist the top 20 essays based on their quality, relevance, originality, and coherence. These essays will be ranked based on their scores, and the top 20 essays will be selected for the second round.
  • Invitation: The top 20 essay finalists will be invited to make an oral presentation or discuss their essays in front of the judges and a selected audience, which may include stakeholders, scholars, principals, parents, teachers, and fellow students. The second round of selection involving oral presentations provides an opportunity for finalists to showcase their writing skills and ability to communicate effectively.
  • Guidelines: Guidelines will be provided to the finalists regarding the presentation format and duration, as well as any materials they may require.
  • Evaluation: The judges will evaluate the oral presentations based on the same criteria used in the previous rounds of selection. The finalists will be judged on their ability to communicate their ideas, engage the audience, and respond to questions, which provides a more comprehensive assessment of their overall abilities.
  • Final Ranking: The final ranking will be determined based on the combined scores from the previous round of selection and the oral presentation. The essay with the highest score will be declared the winner of the contest, and the second and third places will also be awarded.
  • Award Ceremony: The winners will be announced during the award ceremony, and they will receive their prizes in the presence of stakeholders, scholars, principals, parents, teachers, and fellow students. The award ceremony is proposed to hold at the University Auditorium, on July 14, 2023.

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