How to Apply for Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) Research Fellowship Programme

The Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) research fellowship programme application is currently open for 2022. The research fellowship program started wayback in 1980. Upon the concept of the founder of the MIF, the theme picked was “Towards a lasting world peace, and a greater understanding of Japan”. The deadline for the application is June 30th, 2021.

The aim of the fellowship is at opening a path to prosperity and peace on the basis of mutual understanding by bringing to Japan active young research workers together, with outstanding characters by establishing links of friendship and trust, and deepening their understanding. The foundation aim at making a real contribution towards bringing permanent peace throughout the world.

Financial Support

The following financial supports are provided to applicants who are successful. Only successful applicants are provided with fellowship, and intended for expenses of necessary living, and research activities in Japan. This fellowship is transferable under no conditions.

Allowance on monthly basis: A payment of JPY 220,000 per month is provided for the purpose of expenses such as living expenses, and research materials.

Air transportation: Round-trip air tickets for Economy class, the most direct, and economic route between the international airport nearest to applicants who are successful.

Insurance: Sickness/overseas travel accident;

a. Sickness insurance with medical treatments, and death benefit.

b. Personal accident insurance with medical treatments, and death benefit.

Upon arrival start-up fund Payment: Payment of JPY 120,000 will be provided to cover the initial costs, and research duration in Japan.


Applicants who meets all the following eligibility requirements, and is of
non-Japanese nationality is invited to submit application documents.

  • Ph.D (doctoral degree).
  •  Letter of invitation from host institution in Japan, must be obtain by applicants.
  • Applicants must have sufficient abilities in the Japanese, and English language.
  • Applicants should not have current or past experiences of staying in Japan (Except for a short term stay such as conferences, and sight seeing).
  • At the time of applying, applicants must be at the age of 49 years old or below.
  • Occupation in your home country must be possessed by applicants, return there upon completion of your tenure of fellowship, and should contribute to development of your country.

Japan Host Institutions

Host institutions is free to be chosen by applicants (national research institutions, universities, or the corresponding facilities in private sectors) in order to carry your research. Acceptance must be obtain from a host institution prior to submitting of your application.


All the following document must be submitted through email, and converted to Adobe PDF. Inadequate documents are not subject to screening, and all the documents must be typed in English.

  • Research project
  • Form of application []
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Diplomas of Ph.D, Masters, Bsc.
  • The most significants publication by applicants.

Application documents must be submitted to the following email address:

For more information, visit the MIF fellowship official webpage.

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