1) Always remember your previous bank balance so you know if it has added up.
2) Do not rely on SMS to check bank alerts; scammers can manipulate SMS; instead, check your alerts through your bank’s mobile app. Also, while the notice may be delayed in SMS, it will be displayed immediately in your bank’s mobile app. Instead of relying on SMS, check your balance using the App.
3) Send an email to your financial institution. As a result, your bank will always send you an email notice. Email does not display phony alerts; it only displays actual alerts, therefore if you do not see the notice in your email. It’s a forgery.
4) If you own a business. Customers, especially new clients, should not be trusted till you have confirmed the transaction. Most of these con artists dress neatly and drive clean cars. You may believe they cannot con you based on their appearance. It’s a lie, my dear. They have money, but they still wish to take advantage of the poor.
5) Do not let any customer rush you through the process. Some of them will try to rush you. They’re saying they’d like to go to a meeting somewhere. Don’t let someone depart without first confirming your warning. Even if they show you a debit alert, don’t believe it because they will most likely ask for your account number and pin. They will cancel the transaction while it is in progress, but the bank will issue them a debit alert. They will take the debit alert and show you why you should believe it.
However, because the transaction was canceled, the bank will later reverse the funds to their account.
6) If the person doing the transfer asks for your phone number, offer them a phone number that is not associated with your bank. If you receive an alert at that phone number, it is a bogus alert.
7) Understand how your bank conceals account details. Some banks will conceal the middle digit of your account, leaving only the last four digits “4563*********5674” visible. Some banks will disguise the entire number, leaving only the last four numbers “*************6743” visible.
8) Take note of the message title. Some banks use “Acct” while others use “Acc”. Also, pay attention to whether your bank employs small or big letters. Some banks use the abbreviation “ACCT, ACC, or Acc and Acct.” So be aware of the case that your bank employs.
9) Some banks display the credit alert as “CR:NGN545,700.” While some use “CR:N5,000. So be aware of the tactics your bank employs, as well as whether they utilize small letters “cr” or large letters “CR.”
10) Kobo does not include a phony alert. The real notice reads “6000.56,” but the false alert reads merely “6,000.”
11) Finally, if you’re the type of person who keeps bank messages on your phone, bogus alerts will always display in a different folder. It is not in your bank folder or the most recent mail you received from your bank.
oh,thanks… nice posts