How To Get PayHippo Loan For Your Small Business

How To Get PayHippo Loan

Do you own a company and require quick loans to keep it running? You’re in luck because some digital lending platforms can fund your company. PayHippo Loan is a well-known digital lending platform in Nigeria that gives loans to entrepreneurs in order for them to establish their companies. With this site, you can be assured of receiving a loan within 3 hours. It is simple, quick, and safe.

A Quick Overview of PayHippo

PayHippo is a lending platform driven by technology. This digital lender essentially provides loans to small and medium-sized companies, making it easier for people to finance their businesses.

Chioma Ruky Okotcha, Uche Nnadi, and Zach Bijesse created the platform in 2019. If you apply for a loan through this platform, you will obtain it within three hours.

What services does PayHippo provide?

This digital lending platform mainly provides collateral-free loans to Nigerian individuals and businesses. On this site, you can basically get an instant loan of up to N1,000,000. Their loan services are split into two categories. They are as follows:


The SMEs product focuses on lending to small and medium-sized companies. Essentially, this product provides companies with convenient, trouble-free, and collateral-free loans.


With this product, partners can easily make loans to their clients and gain access to their transaction records.

How can I register on PayHippo?

To register and commence your journey on this platform, follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to their website and tap the “Get Started” toolbar.
  2. Next, choose if you want to register as a small business or partner.
  3. Thereafter, input your basic details and submit them.

You can also join using their mobile app. You only need to obtain it from the Google Play Store or the App Store.

What documents do I need to register on PayHippo?

Basically, to sign up on this platform, you will need the following details:

  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Email Address
  • Birth Date
  • Phone Number
  • Referral Code (if you have any)

How To Borrow Loan From PayHippo?

To borrow a loan from this digital lending platform, follow these instructions:

  • First, create an account via the mobile app or web platform.
  • Next, complete your profile. Once you complete your profile and your details have gone through the verification process, you start accessing loans.
  • Lastly, apply for an instant loan on their platform. Ensure that you pay back your loan when it is due.

What is the PayHippo interest rate?

The loan offerings on this site commence with short-term working capital. The lending term is 30 days and the interest rate is 6%. Essentially, this interest rate is considerably lower than that of other online lenders.

How can I download the PayHippo mobile app?

Here’s how to download this mobile app:

  1. Grab your smartphone and go to Google Play Store. If you use an iPhone, visit the App Store on your device.

  2. Next, type “PayHippo” in the search bar and search for the app.

  3. Lastly, download the app and create your account.

How can I contact PayHippo?

You can contact this digital lender via the following ways:

Address: 174b Corporation Drive, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria

Phone Number: +2349045969825

Email Address:


Final thought

PayHippo is primarily a platform that offers instant loans to small and medium-sized businesses. If you are an entrepreneur and need a loan, you can apply for it on this platform. Just ensure that you pay back when your loan is due.