Link To Check CDCFIB Physical Screening Invite For NSCDC/NIS Recruitment 2023

NSCDC/NIS Recruitment

The CDCFIB board has produced a list of shortlisted candidates for the NSCDC and NIS Recruitment 2023 Physical Screening and Certificate Verification Stage.

In accordance with the foregoing, we have decided to make this article so that you can find out if you have been selected for the Physical Screening. So, let us get right to the point!

To find out if you are eligible for the physical screening and certificate verification, please click on the link for the Service you applied for below. Enter your Application Code and Phone Number when prompted to see if you have been shortlisted for the Physical Screening Psychometric Evaluation.

For NSCDC Applicants, check here

For NIS Applicants, check here

According to the board, physical screening and certificate verification will begin on June 14th, 2023.

About Stephen Adoga 2561 Articles
Stephen Adoga is a trained journalist, researcher, creative writer, content creator, video editor and freelancer. He studied Mass Communication at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, where he acquired requisite training for the practice of journalism. He loves the media. His interest mostly lies in the print medium where his creative writing skill makes him a perfect fit.

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