Countries Nigerians Prefer to Study and Reasons

If you are a Nigerian hoping to further your academic studies outside the shores of Nigerian, you might want to know the countries that fellow Nigerians mostly prefer for their studies. In this article, we will tell you about the countries in which most Nigerians prefer to study and why they are so popular among students.

List of Countries Nigerians Prefer to Study

Below are the countries Nigerians love to study

1. United States of America

Despite the high expenditures of university education in the United States, most Nigerians consider it to be one of the greatest places to study. For a long time, the United States has been the preferred destination of many Nigerians, young and old. There are numerous variables that contribute to the United States being one of the top nine countries in which most Nigerians desire to study.


a. The language of communication is English

The United States is an English-speaking country, with the bulk of its higher education institutions operating in English. Unlike several other advanced countries, such as Germany and France, where language studies are required. Incredibly, in a country like Italy, if you want to marry one of their beauties, you must pass an Italian language test.

b. Your certificate (s) do not require any conversions or translations

If you studied in a place where English is not the official language, be prepared to convert and translate your credentials when you arrive, or you may be unable to use them in your home country.

c. Qualitative education

If you graduated from a US university, you may show your diploma anywhere in the globe. You don’t need to explain yourself in order to be recognised.

d. Sound knowledge

You may be confident that if you earn a degree in the United States, you will be a master in your field.

2. United Kingdom

Despite certain vexing systems used by the UK’s various governments in the past, whereby students were required to leave the country after completing their study, this is no longer the case. Things have altered in favour of Nigerian students in the UK as a result of Brexit, as there is no longer a forced exodus from the nation.


Hundreds of Nigerian students of all types continue to flock to the United Kingdom for a variety of reasons:

  1. Because the United Kingdom is Nigeria’s parent nation, the educational system is same, and a British certificate or degree is respected in Nigeria.
  2. Many Nigerian universities have swapped programmes with the United Kingdom, and many civil workers chose to continue their study in the United Kingdom.
  3. The language of instruction is English, and the best part is that a Nigerian studying in the UK will find it easy to adjust to the system because London is like a second home. After all, your fellow citizens are many, and the likelihood of failure is low because you are not in an unfamiliar situation.

3. Canada

Most Nigerians want to visit Canada for a variety of reasons:

  1. Physical interviews are not required to acquire a Canadian student visa. Unlike the US embassy, where your clothes will be scrutinised like a fashion show and you will be subjected to superfluous and unneeded appointment reservations.
  2. Because Canadians are known for their warm demeanors, studying in Canada provides a distinct ambiance and experience.
  3. Most Nigerians prefer sending their children to Canada for safety and security concerns, believing that the country is safe and has few violent crimes, as opposed to the United States, where senseless attacks and killings are the norm.
  4. Higher education in Canada is less expensive than in most other developed countries.
  5. The Canadian healthcare system is user-friendly and accessible to most overseas students.

4. Ghana

Ghana, Nigeria’s West African brother, has become a popular choice for Nigerian students looking for a low-cost, close-by education. The number of Nigerian students in Ghana has exploded in recent years, far outstripping any statistical estimate.

Many Nigerian students study in Ghana for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Ghana is not far from Nigeria, and students have the option of flying or driving there. By road, you can go and return in one day.
  2. When compared to Europe or North America, the cost of schooling is lower.
  3. Ghana’s educational system is comparable to Nigeria’s.
  4. In Ghana, students are not exposed to the frequent or continuous strikes that are common in Nigeria.
  5. Most parents and guardians pick Ghana knowing that their children would be safe; violent crimes such as banditry, kidnapping, and arm robbery, which have plagued Nigeria in recent years, are not widespread in Ghana.
  6. Finally, because Ghana is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Nigerians do not need a visa to visit the nation.

5. Finland

It should come as no surprise that Finland, a largely Scandinavian country, is one of the most popular study destinations for Nigerians. The following reasons are self-evident:

  1. It is not difficult for anyone who qualifies to obtain a student visa.
  2. School fees are not as high as they are in the United Kingdom and North America. Some institutions provide tuition-free programmes, and accommodations are inexpensive.
  3. Living in Finland is a joy; the transportation system is superb, and getting from one location to another is both touristy and inexpensive.
  4. The people are polite, and there is very little racial discrimination. Countries Nigerians Prefer to Study

6. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Anyone familiar with the power of Islamic education in Nigeria should not be surprised that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia entered our list. Many Nigerian scholars have been studying advanced Islamic education in Saudi Arabia for a long time. Many schools in Northern and Western Nigeria teach mostly in Arabic, leading to students finishing or continuing their education in Saudi Arabia.

According to statistics, Western Nigeria has more Islamic studies professors than any other part of the country. The vast majority of these academics earned their degrees from Saudi Arabian universities.


The following are some of the benefits of studying in Saudi Arabia:

  1. Those who learned Arabic in Nigerian elementary schools frequently went on to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to further their education. You will have no trouble fitting into their school system if you follow the curriculum presented.
  2. In Saudi Arabia, education is free. Saudi government annually award various types of scholarships to Nigerians, the majority of which are for Islamic study.
  3. Many Nigerians are studying various branches of science and technology in Saudi Arabia these days because the country is advancing in terms of quality education, with modern and up-to-date equipment, and the cost of study is relatively lower than in many other countries.
  4. You may work part-time while studying in the Kingdom to help you live comfortably.

7. Ireland

Despite the high cost of education in Ireland, most Nigerians prefer to study in the Republic of Ireland.


The following are the reasons:

  1. It is an English-speaking nation.
  2. You may be confident that you will receive a high-quality education that will be recognised around the world.

Source: Nyscinfo

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