NYIF Loan: See what to do if you got this Text from NMFB

NYIF Shortlists More Candidates for Disbursement

Few days ago, many people who applied for the Nigeria Youth Investment Fund (NYIF) loan programme got text messages regarding their qualification status from the Nirsal Microfinance Bank (NMFB). Many of the applicants that got the message don’t know what next to do. So, here we will guide you on what you are expected to do.

“Dear Applicant, You have been pre-qualified for the NYIF loan programme, kindly click on this link to apply. https://nyif.nmfb.com.ng/app

Thank you.”

NYIF Shortlists More Candidates for DisbursementIf you got the text above from NFMB, here is what to do.

1) Click on the link attached on the message “https://nyif.nmfb.com.ng/app“.

2) It will take you to a page where you will be asked to provide your BVN.

3) Enter your BVN correctly, don’t be scared, it a genuine site, you won’t be hacked.

4) Click on “VALIDATE BVN” button.

You will be taken to another page where your will be required to enter your password, and then confirm password. After you have done that, you will see “Registration Successful” as shown below:

NyifAt this point, your registration has been successful, then wait for a confirmation link, which was sent to your email.

5) Go to your email inbox (or spam folder) to check for the confirmation link.

6) Once you see the confirmation link, click on it to get confirmed. After that wait for the NYIF loan disbursement. Check out list of Federal Government free interest Loans you can apply for this year.

Requirements for NYIF loan programme

  • Applicants must be between the age of 18 and 35 years
  • Must have a business or enterprises domiciled or operating in Nigeria.
  • Applicants must not have been convicted of any crime in the last 10 years.
  • Must have a valid BVN (Bank verification Number).

How to apply for NYIF loan programme

The good news is, application is still ongoing. Interested applicants should visit www.nyif.nmfb.com.ng to Register.

Hope you found this post useful? Kindly share with friends on social media. You can drop your comment below.


  1. Good morning i am also a pre_qualified for the nyif and up to now i did’nt received a comfarmation cord to my email so please how can i get it have a nice day

  2. Pls help oh have not still received my email till now let’s help oh each other oh, pls call 09069904441

  3. I validated my Bvn and I haven’t seen my confirmation link yet.pls what suppose to do sir? thank you

  4. Since I apply for this program I have not reasive any email, I don’t know what is happening

  5. Good afternoon I received a message from my email I try to verify my dashboard it failed please how can I do

  6. My BVN has been validated since on the 12th of February and I have not gotten a comfirmation message on e-mail. What shuld i do?

  7. I have been sent a message saying’s pre qualified and I follow up the link and no message have been sent to my email

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