Following the payment of newly approved allowance of N33,000 by National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), many people have been asking questions about ARREARS.
NYSC Arrears for Corps members and ex-Corps members
The NYSC minimum wage arrears for one month should be 33,000 – 19,800 = 13,200.
Recall that President Muhammadu Buhari on 18th April, 2019 signed the N30,000 National minimum wage bill into law. This make it compulsory for every employer of labour in Nigeria to pay their workers any amount not less than N30,000. It also give workers the right to sue their employers if they pay less than the new minimum wage.
The minimum wage Act took effect on 18th of April, 2019 immediately President Buhari signed it into law.
You can agree with me that Corps members were not paid the N33,000 from the month it was signed into until January, 2020.
During this period many Corps members who supposed to receive the new minimum wage passed out of service.
However, the Federal Executive Council (FEC) presided over by Vice-president, Yemi Osinbajo has directed that arrears should be cleared before 31 December, 2019.
So, will NYSC pay arrears to ex-corpers and corpers?
They supposed to pay oo, but according to the message we received from NYSC official regarding the arrears, it seems as if they will dodge it. See the message below;
The attention of the Management of the National Youth Service Corps Scheme has been drawn to a false story purported to have emanated from the Director – General of the Scheme, Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim to the effect that Corps Members would receive arrears as a fall out of the recent pay raise given to them by the Federal Government which has been roundly appreciated by Corps Members and Nigerians.
Indeed, the fulfillment of the promise of the increment by the Federal Government is borne out of utmost concern for the welfare of our patriotic youths and commencement date is January 2020 as budgeted in the 2020 fiscal year.
Therefore, Corps Members and members of the public are hereby advised to disregard the so – called purported breaking news from the DG NYSC, Brig Gen Shuaibu Ibrahim announcing the payment of various sums of money as arrears to ex – Corps Members of 2018 batches and serving Corps Members of 2019 batches.
Kindly verify information from the NYSC official platforms or the State Secretariats nationwide on issues concerning the Corps. Never respond to bogus instructions on phantom sites and sources.
Be rightly guided please.
Thank you
What’s the latest news in respect to our arrears? Please I want to use that money to build my poultry kage fa. It will really go a long way In protecting the lives of my birds and I won’t bother to look for job anymore, rather I will become an employer In short time to come. FG please
If federal government decide not to pay the arrears, it means they chitted on ex-corpers because the constitution permit them to pay the arrears as nysc allowance is base on minimum wages and when the minimum wages increases which means nysc allowances also will increase as well. Am urging the federal government to pay the arrears for the ex-corpers because they work for it and must be pay for it but if federal government decide not to pay it means buhari administration is a bad and corrupt administration.
I will just reminding you sir you have to things about it during umaru Musa he paid arrears for The copers because in his administration he don’t want the youngest one like us after ours passing out to go and start balangaring from one angle to another.please sir if you give the arrears 97 percent of The copers will not wait for the government work. Thank you sir
The bill was passed into law in April 2019, therefore d federal government is owing us ( batch a 2019) Biko please ejo pay us our arrears so we can b independent and be good citizens of the country.
Yeye gov’t, i regret voting u. In the other hand i blamt nysc DG.He must do something
The payment will serve to help passing out corp members start up businesses thereby reducing the unemployment rate and crime rate as well, it is however our prayer that the federal government sees the relevance of it if effected
DG Sir, consider this arrears will go a long way in Some of us life’s ….so many of us have one skills or the other and we only need little amount to start it up….considering the arrears will be a starting point for us and this will also reduce unemployment in the society.
Please am appealing to d FG and DG NYSC to please have clemency on the corps members.
Hence,the minimum wage has been paid;they should also pay d corps members their arrears.
The DG should use his good office to make sure that, arrears is being paid to whom duly deserved d payment.
No arrears to the past 2018 corp’s member will throw a stone of regret with shame to NYSC body and youth’s of this country. We shall put the blames on DG and federal government regarding such cruel and rude attitude to youth’s and inability of youth’s to fight for their right. It will call for demonstration of unplanned war between the youth’s of this nation and the so called federal government. Ex-corpers especially those who are still unemployed would guaranteed no industrial resolution with federal government of Nigeria if the urgent decision was not made to avert with any eruption of already dreadful impasse between past NYSC Corp members,the DG of NYSC and Federal government of Nigeria.18C stream 1 served for 13 month’s no October allowance but we did not complain about that.was that why we shall still keep quite again for our long expected arrears meanwhile we danced together and celebrated together for federal government approval to national minimum wage?we have not concluded yet but we are going to exhume the mess out of the place. There’s no gentility for nowadays government. Many of us have not received alert from INEC till we pass out,meanwhile most of us have died in the course of serving their fathers land(during INEC-Nigeria general election).DG,State cordinators,ZI,LI and among other stakeholders,if you do nt have mercy for us,we would kindly do so to ourselves,if you do nt sympathize with us,we would kindly sympathize ourseves.now,it is clear that management of NYSC do not care for the welfare of the graduate youths this great country.now, I belief that NYSC is scam.why do we budget for NYSC ?why do we include the scheme in the national budget? What is the importance of NYSC ?
If NYSC does not have any value lets tell ourself the truth.ler us stop this NYSC for once.why are we wasting our resources there?
It is now i understand that government does not want the progress of youth’s. Those graduate’s you discharged without impress and employment,how would feel? Let’s search for our conscience.
How do you expect us to continue enduring with this kind of government unfair treatment to youth’s.
Please help us to do something to it
It was promised last year June 2019 that whenever the Federal Government starts paying the new minimum wage that the arrears would be paid, but because of the various disagreement between Federal Government and Labour the payment was delayed. NYSC should please do something about it. DG Sir, you have a lot of role to play here, if you can extend the date of release of the 2018 C1 from Sept. 23rd to Oct. 3rd 2019, you can also do something about the corps members’ arrears, during the extension there were several lost targets and opportunities. DG Sir! You are our mouthpiece, please speak for us, do something about this.
First and formost, i want to use this medium to thank the management and the president of the Federal republic of Nigeria for the increase in minimum wage.
I want to state that it is total wrong and a direct rubbing not to pay those who were in active service thier arrears when the minimum wage was signed by the president.
I hereby call on well meaning Nigerians and to all those it concern to reconsider and pay corps members their arrears.
God bless
This is not justified. In the Year 2018, they announced that corpers will receive 49800 as the allawee, from then no hope. Everyone should fear God cos we will account for everything someday.
This is corruption seeing that the government already gave an order that every arrears should be paid before 30th of December 2019. They just started paying corp members their increment and now they want to overlook the arrears which they were supposed to get done with since last year. Nigeria will never change. What is 33k with the inflation? Where was the management when the promises were made? Where were they when corp members were hoping to get increments since last year.
Leaders too need to be guided how the play with youth emotions.
That means even workers will not get their arrears then.
I know,, NYSC will surely do something about it,,, I trust them
The youth corp members really enjoyed & appreciated the current allowance increment, and we really benefited even more than the civil servants whom majority of them didn’t get 1/10 of their normal salary.
I have planned to start a poultry business if I receive the arrears. please FG it won’t cost you much if you pay us this money but it will go along way in changing some of our lives. please the poor are not finding life funny at all. pay us pleasssss
Thank God I’m among who received 33k as first alawee
Since it can’t cost you anything why can’t you pay us
As there are many corp members that planned to get married this year and this arrears is among their main target

Why Now?
NYSC why now