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6 Common Myths About Cover Letters



There is a lot of information out there concerning cover letters; while some of it is correct, there are some misconceptions about others. Many social media users have expressed their frustration with having to write cover letters while applying for jobs. The reason for their rejection is best known to them; yet, several cover letter myths have been accepted to defend their decisions. Let us discuss these.

What Exactly Are Myths?

Myths are concepts and narratives that have lasted for a long time because many people believed a given concept without doubt. Myths provide explanations for various problems, natures, and reasons behind natural events or phenomena, but they are not always factual. This is to indicate that part of your cover letter knowledge may be popular yet unjustified.

Here are a few examples:

1. Nobody Reads Your Cover Letter

While it is true that the cover letters you submit to potential employers are ineffective, why not just do it? Cover letters allow you to highlight numerous aspects of yourself, such as your personality, communication abilities, and excitement for the work. A potential employer may only read the cover letter and then find something that attracts them, leaving them trapped.

In addition, if you are unable to include additional information on your resume, your cover letter can explain why. Rather than leaving a potential employer in the dark, a cover letter can help to clarify the reasons for the employment gap and many other discrepancies that may have been overlooked in your CV.

2. This Is The Digital Age! Cover Letters Are No Longer Required

Potential employers are the only ones who decide if cover letters are necessary because certain firms, regardless of the digital age, mandate that you send a cover letter along with your resume. Many businesses still appreciate cover letters and may use them to evaluate prospects. Before you believe this myth, keep in mind that you will need to write cover letters for some of your job applications if you want to get the job.

3. The Lengthy The Cover Letter, The Better

What good is quantity if it is not accompanied by quality? While it is critical to provide relevant information that is of interest to the potential employer, an overly long cover letter can hinder your application. Remember that hiring managers do not have unlimited time, so keep your letter concise and well-structured rather than overwhelming the reader with useless material.

4. Cover Letters Should Be A Restatement Of Your CV

No, not always! Cover letters help you to convey yourself more effectively while avoiding duplicating your resume. You can provide context by mentioning relevant experience and projects you’ve worked on. While your resume may appear overly serious, your cover letter can tell a tale about your professional experience and convince the reader that you are the right fit for the post.

5. Cover Letters Are Substitute For Application Letters

Writing application letters is out of date, and cover letters have taken their place – this is the general consensus, but it is not correct.   Certain elements of application letters are absent from cover letters. While application letters are generally highly formal, cover letters allow you to do a lot of personalisation and even unorthodox things. Depending on the institution, some (government organizations) may prefer that you submit an application letter in person, while others may require that a cover letter be mailed to the company’s address. So, while they are similar, we cannot conclude that cover letters have supplanted application letters.

6. You Can Store Your Cover Letter For Future Use

You absolutely should not! What if you’re applying for a completely different job? That’s where you disagree! It is simpler to believe that you only desire one job and that your single cover letter would enough. But it’s better this way: each time you plan to apply for a job, go over your cover letter and change, add fresh information, and rewrite with newfound zeal. You don’t have to go back to the previous cover letter all the time; a new one works better.

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