Job Interview Checklist – You’ll never fail any job Interview Again

Here we will present to you a job interview checklist you can use to prepare for any job interview that comes you way.

With this checklist, you will never fail any job interview again. So, we urge you to take advantage of this opportunity and make the best out of it.

Making the best from this opportunity means effectively prepare your next job interview with this checklist.

The best time to start preparing for an interview is as soon as the company sends an interview invitation to you.

Please, be informed that some companies might give you 2 to 4 days notice before the interview date. So, you may not have all the time to prepare, but with our checklist, you are good to go.

Our checklist list will help you nail the interview and land yourself your dream job.


Interview preparation checklist to get your dream job

Below is the best interview checklist list:

Before the Interview (checklist)

Before the day of the interview, make sure you do the following;

  • Browse the company’s website to know more about the company, you can search for them on the internet.
  • Study the job role if it is your first experience or if you are changing career.
  • Find and study the answers to common interview questions.
  • Try as much as you can to know the name of the person(s) interviewing you.
  • Make sure you know the interview arrangement or style (whether it’s a one-on-one or panel interview).
  • Get ready the cloth you will wear for the interview.
  • Make sure you do a mock interview (you can ask your friend to interview you).
  • Prepare well in order to avoid stress or tension.
  • Get more information about your interviewers. You can search for them on LinkedIn.
  • Create a well written CV if it’s your first time.
  • Print out about 3 copies of your CV (one for yourself and 2 for your interviewers).
  • Go along with your portfolio or where it can be found (maybe an online platform).
  • Go through your CV once more to ensure there is no error or conflicting information.
  • Plan your journey and determine the distance days before the interview to avoid being late.
  • Search your route online and print out a map to be sure of where you are going.
  • Get the company’s contact number in case you encounter any problem.
  • Leave your house about 45 minutes before the time of the interview (this depends on the distance and tendencies of hold up).


During the Interview

On the day of the interview, do the following;

  • Don’t forget to be the first to greet the receptionist or the first person you see at the interview venue.
  • Fill any form that may be given to you neatly and accurately.
  • Despite their age, always be the first to greet the employer or interviewer with a smile on your face, calling his/her name or title.
  • Shake hands with the interviewer with confidence, and avoid a weak handshake that may show lack of confidence.
  • Sit only when you are asked to sit.
  • Keep good eye contact with the interviewer.
  • Maintain a good posture and body language at all time.
  • Don’t digress when they ask you a question, rather go straight to the point.
  • You should not allow any question to surprise or take you off balance.
  • Make sure you avoid using poor language or slang.
  • Speak with a strong tone to maintain your confidence.
  • Your words and speech must suggest that you are enthusiastic about the company and position you are seeking.
  • Avoid statements that suggests desperation.
  • Always stress your achievement, rather than bringing up personal issues with your former employer if any.
  • Take a short pause before responding to a question to avoid repeating words and using long pauses during your speeches.
  • Don’t answer a question with a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ reply. You should provide adequate information and examples where necessary.
  • Put your phone on silence and never answer calls during the interview.
  • Don’t demand anything from the company, rather show them what you can do for their company.
  • Answer salary questions intelligently, see how to answer salary question.
  • Ask intelligent questions about the job role, field or industry.
  • Ask the interviewer when you should expect to hear back.


After the Interview

  • Send an email, text message or a letter to the interviewer to thanking him/her for the opportunity. Sending a thank you note shows that you care and passionate to the position.
  • Await the answer.
  • If you’ve not been contacted, it is important for you to follow up.
  • If you did not get the job, let them know politely that you are still interested. You can also ask them what they think you should do to make you a better candidate for the position.
  • Please, avoid becoming a pest and a disturbance in your attempt to follow up. Find best ways to follow up without disturbing.

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