Apply For USAID Nigeria Covid19 Food Security Challenge

Are you a young Nigerian with a company that can help increase the food value chain of the country, that is being diminished by the Covid19 Pandemic? If the answer to the above question is ‘yes’, it then means you need to apply for the USAID Nigeria Covid19 Food Security Challenge that is ongoing.

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, Nigeria is currently facing a food security crisis in all parts of the country. This really had an advance effect on the country’s food value chain.

The Covid19 pandemic significantly distort the already fragile/insufficient food value chain across all states in the country, including farmers interest and ability to produce, process and distribute the produced food.

The distruption experienced in the agricultural sector, especially in productivity and marketability has introduced negativity on livelihoods, mostly in homes that are vulnerable.

The program ‘Feed the Future initiative’ has made USAID/Nigeria to willingly affiliate with youth led companies, and mid stage firms who are into production of food, processing, and distribution.
USAID is beseeching (requesting) that the interested firms who will end up being partners should assist farmers and stakeholders in the food value chain to maximize food security, and agricultural productivety within the coming year to mitigate the effect caused by the pandemic on the country’s food value chain.

Interested partners could be either new of old firms with novel approach that can be put into use and successfully end up giving a positive outcome in solving the crisis.

The Incentives

a. The program anticipates bringing $1.25 million for fifteen to twenty-five awards of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) to seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000) in funding, and technical assistance for commercially good youth led firms to maximize food security and/or food production.

b. The program also anticipates providing $1.75 million available for ten to fifteen awards of seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000) to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) in funding, and technical support for mid stage businesses that can rapidly expand their activities to improve food security and/or food production.

How to Apply forĀ USAID Nigeria Covid19 Food Security Challenge

Firms/enterprises who are Interested, and qualified to be partners can apply via .

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