10 Best NYSC CDS Groups To Join As A Corps Member

Community Development Service (CDS) is one of the four (4) cardinal programmes of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). The NYSC CDS groups are designed for Corps members to positively contribute to their host communities.

Nysc CDS groups

Four (4) NYSC cardinal programmes

  1. Orientation Camp
  2. Primary Assignment
  3. Community Development Service (CDS)
  4. Passing Out Parade (POP)

In this post, we shall focus on the 3rd cardinal programme which is Community Development Service (CDS).


How many NYSC CDS groups do we have?

There are many CDS groups, and as a Corps member you might think you know all the groups.

Well, it’s easy to think you know all the groups probably because there is only 6 to 10 CDS groups in your place of assignment.

To tell you the truth, there is no fewer than 40 NYSC CDS groups altogether. The day I realize this, I was surprise myself.

However, I’m only interested to show you 10 best NYSC CDS groups to join as a Corps member.


Best NYSC CDS groups

Below are the 10 best NYSC CDS groups;


Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) is one of the best CDS groups in NYSC to join during your NYSC. There is a lot of opportunities for Corps members in EFCC CDS. Corp members in this group create awareness campaign against corruption in the society.

Most often, members of this group visit schools to sensitize them on the negative impact of corruption in the society.

All the activities of this group is fun, and you will also learn a lot from if you join the group.


National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) is one of the best CDS groups to join as a corps member. Members of this group sensitizes their host community on the consequences of consuming hard drugs, and the need to only use prescribed drugs.


3. Red Cross CDS

This is one of the best CDS groups to join as a corp member. Since it’s health related activities, corps members with medical background are mostly assigned to this group.
The group engage in administration of first aid, health outreach, and also setting up clinics.

4. Road Safety CDS

This is among the best CDS groups you should join. They help in traffic control, administration of first aid to accident victims, create traffic awareness in schools, and so on.


Members of this group teach the community on the risks of the deadly HIV/AIDS diseases, how it can be contracted and how to prevent it. It also sensitizes people living with the disease on how to take proper care of themselves to last long.



National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is among the good NYSC CDS group to join as a corp member. They aids in disaster management. As a member of this group, you will gain knowledge and experience that will help you in life.

7. Editorial CDS

In NYSC camp, this group is known as OBS (Orientation Broadcasting Service). It’s a media group of NYSC members. They do the Radio, TV, and publications. Therefore, if you ever dream of becoming a presenter, journalist or writer, this group is definitely for you.

Members of this CDS are mostly posted in towns near NYSC secretariat because they are the ones publishing corpers’ monthly magazine as well as the NYSC end of service year book.

8. Environmental CDS

The members of this group ensure healthier environment. They conduct routine sanitation at marketplaces, schools, and highways; while sensitizing them in the process. Also, they encourage tree planting, drainage clearance, and so on.

9. Cultural and Tourism CDS

This is among the best NYSC CDS group with the purpose to showcase the art and culture of Nigeria. Corps members are expected to help illuminate the history, culture and heritage of their host community. They also represent their state in the national competition organized by NYSC.

10. Medical and Health CDS

Medical graduates are naturally assign to this CDS group. They educate people on health related issues.


5 thoughts on “10 Best NYSC CDS Groups To Join As A Corps Member”

  1. This was really helpful.
    But I think it should include more detailed explanation to aid better understanding.
    Thank you.

  2. Pls with all due respect, one of the four cardinal points of NYSC isn’t “PLACE OF PRIMARY ASSIGNMENT” like stated here, but “PRIMARY ASSIGNMENT”.
    please let it be noted

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