FG Flagoff Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP III)

The federal government has launched another empowerment scheme known as Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The aim is to significantly enhance employment and fostering inclusive economic growth.

At the launch event held in Abuja, Minister of Labour and Employment, Simon Lalong, emphasized the program’s goal of propelling inclusive and private sector-led growth within the nation’s workforce. DWCP III is strategically designed to address prevailing challenges and opportunities associated with productive employment, aiming to curb job losses and tackle various decent work deficits.

The comprehensive strategy outlined in DWCP III encompasses measures to combat issues such as informality, working poverty, child labour, forced labour, human trafficking, outdated labour laws, insufficient labour inspection, poor working conditions, and gaps in social dialogue.

Minister Lalong underlined that the program also prioritizes ensuring that both existing and new jobs, spanning public and private sectors, are not only productive but also provide avenues for career advancement while offering essential social protection benefits.

Expressing gratitude for the technical and financial support received from the ILO, Minister Lalong urged all social partners and stakeholders to collaborate actively, emphasizing the importance of their collective efforts in ensuring the successful implementation of the DWCP III.

Vanessa Phala, the director of the ILO country office for Nigeria, shed light on how the program aligns with the government’s Renewed Hope Agenda, specifically focusing on job creation, livelihood improvement, and inclusivity.

Phala called for strong partnerships among all stakeholders in Nigeria, emphasizing the pivotal role they play in supporting the government’s endeavors to promote inclusive and sustainable growth through productive employment and decent worka vision that DWCP III aims to realize.

As Nigeria embraces this initiative, it not only aligns with national development goals but also demonstrates a commitment to creating a conducive environment for job creation and economic prosperity.

The successful implementation of the DWCP III is anticipated to pave the way for a better future, characterized by increased employment opportunities and improved working conditions for the country’s workforce.

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