FATE Foundation ScaleUp Lab Education Accelerator Program

ScaleUp Lab Education Accelerator Program

FATE Foundation ScaleUp Lab Education Accelerator Program is designed to help high-potential growth-stage businesses in the education industry in Nigeria unlock their full potential. With a carefully crafted program that addresses the unique needs of each business, we identify and focus on key growth areas for improvement, while providing guidance and resources to help them achieve their goals.

The 4-month program provides an intensive and immersive experience that includes workshops, mentorship, coaching, networking opportunities, and access to funding. FATE’s team of experienced mentors and coaches provides tailored support to each participant, helping them to grow and scale their business, and achieve sustainable success.

At The ScaleUp Lab Education accelerator, we believe that the education sector in Nigeria has enormous potential, and we are committed to supporting the growth and development of high-potential businesses that are making a positive impact in this sector. Join us on this journey of growth and innovation and take your business to the next level!

About FATE Foundation

Our goal is to enable aspiring and emerging Nigerian entrepreneurs start, grow and scale their businesses while also facilitating the development of an enabling business environment and thriving ecosystem.

In 2000, we were founded by Mr. Fola Adeola to harness the strong entrepreneurial culture of Nigerians by providing the business incubation, growth and accelerator support required to fully explore their innovative potential.


  • Intensive 5-day bootcamp
  • Access to expereienced mentos and a network of industry professionals
  • Comprehensive curriculum covering key business areas
  • Investment readiness training and support
  • Opportunity to pitch to investors and potential partners
  • Access to funding opportunities and resources

Qualification Requirements

  • The Entrepreneur must be involved full-time in the Business
  • The business must be a growth-stage business in the education industry with records for 3+ years.
  • The business should have innovative products, services or business models that address a critical need in the education

How To Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to FATE Foundation on soar.fatefoundation.org to apply

  • To apply for the ScaleUp Lab Education accelerator, interested businesses should fill out the online application form.
  • Applications will be reviewed by our team, and a select group of applicants will be invited to participate in an interview process. Final selections will be made based on a combination of factors including the viability of the business, the potential for growth and scalability, and the commitment of the founders.

About Stephen Adoga 2561 Articles
Stephen Adoga is a trained journalist, researcher, creative writer, content creator, video editor and freelancer. He studied Mass Communication at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, where he acquired requisite training for the practice of journalism. He loves the media. His interest mostly lies in the print medium where his creative writing skill makes him a perfect fit.

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