First Batch Covid19 Vaccine Arrives Nigeria

Just within an interval of one day, after the unveiling of the Covid19 vaccine official portal/webpage, which was designed specially for Nigerians to easily apply, and get vaccinated with Covid19 vaccine. It has being made known that the vaccines had successfully landed into the the country, as at on March 2, 2021.

Covid19 Vaccine In NigeriaFor the fact that the vaccines are now readily available, the Federal Government of Nigeria are now calling on its citizens to visit the official portal and get registered. After the completion of the registration process, such citizens will be vaccinated with the vaccine.

How to Register for Covid-19 vaccination on the Portal

FG through the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), unveil the official portal for the Covid19 vaccination.

It was also stated that health workers who are the Frontline personnels will be vacinnated first.
Below are the steps to follow, to get registered on the portal;

  1. First and foremost you are to visit the portal by following the link

  2. Input all necessary datas/information required.

  3. Confirm your scheduled date for vacination.

You are to call any of these lines 0803123 0416, 0803123 0415 for further enquiry.

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