First Class Graduate Cries Out Over Unemployment

A graduate of Benue State University (BSU), Terzungwe Quo-Aondo, has raised concerns about his ongoing unemployment in Nigeria despite graduating with First Class honors in Accounting.

Terzungwe attributes his struggle for employment to his alma mater, blaming the Benue State University for leaving him unemployed despite his outstanding academic achievement.

Married and a Benue indigene, Mr. Terzungwe has publicly criticized the management of Benue State University for their alleged failure to employ qualified individuals after graduation.

He laments the university’s inability to provide employment opportunities for competent and intellectual graduates, contrasting it with the employment of individuals from less esteemed backgrounds. Terzungwe’s social media post expressing these concerns has sparked widespread discussion.

“This is another first class material that BSU has junked to waste. What is this world coming to?
“A society that celebrates mediocrity but deprecates merit will not prosper. This is the tragedy of Nigeria!”

A commentator, who seems to be Terzungwe’s friend, dropped a comment that made a lot of sense.

“My contribution here won’t be pleasant, but it’s a sad reality. No one owes anyone a job for finishing with a first class. The normal job market is a competitive one and is opened to those who search them out and compete fairly. Banks and many other corporate bodies recruit graduate trainees every year. Those adverts are always out there.

“So the questions we should be asking is, many of this opportunities for employment have they taken? What have been the challenges? How can those who are in the system help these bright minds.

” Blaming BSU for the misfortunes of its graduates is unfair. Because the school is not responsible for recruitments.

“First class graduates of more reputable institutions are out there without jobs or grossly underemployed.”

5 thoughts on “First Class Graduate Cries Out Over Unemployment”

  1. Engage Yourself with so many Businesses. Start with scale business You will surprise, Stop prouding. We are many on the Ground!

  2. It is quite petiable that one with such qualification cries out his inability to secure a job. However, like many universities, their good products are always retained (Graduate Assistant)and sometimes with funds from ETFs, they are sponsored for further studies with the view of having them come back and deploy thier services to the institution at least for a period of time. There again, am sure if you have adequate practical skills, no body would like to discard such opportunity, especially for those who appreciate expertise. My submission is for you to pray, work harder, there’s something you nearby. Begin from there, little beginning…… But then, what do I know self.

  3. He should go and learn a skill or trade am very sure during his studies at the University he wasn’t taking the practicals of enterprenuship education serious

  4. The question is: what employable skills does he have. Because, papers and some theoritical knowledge isn’t enough to get you a position with post companies.
    For instance, recentlymy compan neededa UI/UX designer, and we posted the opportunity on indeed.
    We recieved a lot of applications, some wih master, some with over 20 years experience in the IT indutry. We just needed needed someone to convince us he has the practical design skills we’re looking for. Some applicants were posting all sorts of certificates and professional qualifications, but failed to demonstrate any tangible practical UI/UX design skills.
    At the end, we didn’t even look at any of those papers., we ended up hiring someone without a degree but with incredible design skills.
    Your papers are for your pocket.
    Your skills is what will make me money.

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