How to Apply for Echoing Green Fellowship For Social Entrepreneurs 2021

Social innovators are not just limited to their business plan (activities). We are looking for visionary leaders who are creating changes in their communities so that people living there can thrive easily, and are also committed to unpending structural oppression.

We are encouraging change makers who identify as indigenous, black, and people of color to apply for this opening. Here are some criteria we use to evaluate application from applicants;

  • Skills of leadership: As an applicant, you must have the ability to drive ideas forward, lead an organization in achieving it’s goals, and build support for the organization vision.
  • Expertise on the issue and Relationship: As an applicant, your proximity is one of your most significant assets. Social innovators who are close to their communities possessed the ideas to affect the greatest change. You can therefore showcase your relationship with the community impacted by the issue you are addressing, and an understanding of root causes.
  • Purpose of Alignment: A deep conviction and passion can be demonstrated for the issue you are assigned to address. Even if your organization’s form shifts over time, you can also illustrate your dedication to solving the problem will not waiver.

Eligibility of a Single Applicant

  • You must have ultimate authority over the growth and strategic vision of your organization, and be the primary decision maker.
  • Those who are fulltime learners/employee, must agree to make their firm full-time engagement. And must be above 18 years, fluent in English Language, and also be able to commit fully to the organization/firm.
  • Echoning Green does not sponsor work permits for any foreign. Hence, you don’t need to be a citizen of American, or based in the United state before being part of the scheme.
  •  If you do not receive a fellowship, you are free to re-apply in the future.

Eligibility of An Organisation

  • An organization can be structured as a profit, hybrid or non profit category.
  • An organization does not only have to be run by an individual, but starting form 2021 only a single applicant is eligible in the application of an Echoing Green Fellowship.
  • You do not need to establish 501 (c)(3) status, or register your organization before you can be able to apply i.e Organizations who are still in the idea phase are also eligible to apply.
  • The original idea of the applicant(s) must be that of the organization in it’s independent, autonomous, and start-up phase.
  •  No individual in a leadership position at the organization can already have been awarded an echoing green fellowship, likewise, no members of an organization’s founding team.ive
  • There must be independence, and autonomous of the organization, if you have a fiscal that provides you with support but doesn’t control organizational decisions then you are eligible. It shouldn’t be under the management of a different organization.
  • Scholarship or tuition funding, or research projects that have exceeded their start-up phase are not eligible to apply.


Downloading of these guildeline will help you through the application process;

a. Criteria for selection

b. Our Fellowship And Racial Equity

c. Video Submission Guidelines

d. Offline Application Worksheet
e. Fellowship

For more clarification click here to visit the Official Webpage of the Echoing Green Global Fellowship 2021.

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