How To Apply For Goethe-Institut Nigeria Grants

The Goethe-Institut Nigeria has funded a wide range of projects and initiatives conceived and implemented by Nigerian artists and initiatives in a variety of cultural genres, including music, modern dance, photography, films (documentary), theatre, visual arts, and many others over the years. The Goethe-Institut also helps artists who have been invited to festivals in Germany or on the African continent but are unable to attend due to a lack of financial resources.

About The Goethe-Institut

The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany’s international cultural institute. We support worldwide cultural interchange and promote German study abroad.

Goethe-Institut Nigeria Grants: Purpose and Benefits

  • All creative and cultural enterprises in the country are welcome to apply. This year, the Support and Connect Initiative is accepting entries from the following three project categories:
  • Projects on a larger scale (with maximum budget of 5.000 Euros)
  • Entries for first-time projects are accepted on a regular basis (with maximum budget of 2.000 Euros)
  • Entries for project sustainability, i.e. recurrent initiatives that have already received Goethe-Institut support (with maximum budget of 2.000 Euros)

Qualification Requirements for Goethe-Institut Nigeria Grants

Individuals who have already been invited to a cultural festival on an official basis

Artists and cultural initiatives (not individuals) that work professionally (with at least three years of experience) and intend to organize a cultural project in Nigeria are invited to apply.

Only applications that are entirely and correctly filled out will be evaluated.

It is necessary for the initiative to be registered and to have a bank account.

Interview date and Venue for Goethe-Institut Nigeria Grants

  • Application deadline: 15. February 2022
  • An independent jury will select the projects until the end of February
  • Project implementation: 15. March – 10.December 2022
  • Submission of a project report: by end of January 2023

Documents Required for the Application

Support & Connect 2022 Application Form (PDF, 778 kB)

Additional references and materials are listed in the project leader’s CV.

a copy of your passport

The deadline for applications is February 15, 2022.

How to Apply

Send your docs to Oludamilare Kolawole at OLUDAMILARE.KOLAWOLE@GOETHE.DE in PDF format.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for additional information.

Source: Nyscinfo

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