How to Join US Army without Citizenship

US Army is a fraction of the Department of Defense (DOD). It is the largest of the five military branches – the Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps, which deals majorly with endless surface warfare missions or operations. In this article, you will learn how to join US Army without Citizenship.

How to join the U.S. Army without citizenshipThe Army Special Forces unit is inferred to as the Green Berets for its headgear. And the Servicemembers are known as soldiers, and the reserve members are Army Reserve and Army National Guard.

To be enlisted in any active military, you must be at least 17 years of age. The oldest person can be enlisted for active duty in each department as follows:

  • Coast Guard: 31
  • Marines: 28
  • Navy: 39
  • Army: 34
  • Air Force: 39

Though all five branches’ requirements are similar, their main differences are age limits, test scores, and fitness levels (men and women have different fitness standards).

But, a branch may have other requirements in addition to the above listed. Some departments have different age limits for their part-time Reserve and National Guard, and you have to research each service’s recruiting website for its part-time age limits.

Army qualifications

For Enlisted Soldiers

Enlisted soldiers make up most of the military workforce; they are trained in a job specialty and do most of the hands-on work.

Usually, to be an enlisted soldier, you will sign up for four years of active duty and four years of inactive duty.

After completing your busy duty time, you can either extend your contract or re-enlist if you want to continue serving. Here are some requirements;

  • Prove you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card (Permanent Resident Card)
  • Be between 17-32 years old
  • Possess the lowest score on the ASVAB test
  • Meet medical, moral, and physical requirements
  •  Be a high academy graduate or coequal

For Officers

Officers make up a much smaller workforce percentage, and it’s different from enlisting as a soldier. Most officers are managers who schedule and direct operations; others are professionals like doctors and lawyers, and you must compete for promotion to continue your career.

Officers are reimbursed more than enlisted partners, and they enjoy distinct other benefits. You don’t have to enroll as an officer to become one; you can join as an enlisted member and attend officer training later.

Officers have the responsibility of directing and planning missions for soldiers. The onset requirements, training, and accepting a commission of an officer differ in different branches but generally, to qualify, you must:

  • Be a college graduate
  • Should be between the age of 18-34 years
  •  Meet medical, moral, and physical prerequisites
  • Eligible for a secret security clearance

How to become a soldier in US Army

To enroll in the US Army, you must take the oath of enlistment, which is the process of officially becoming an Army Soldier.

As this procedure is ongoing, you will speak with the recruiter, follow Basic Combat Training (BCT), and decide your Army job.

Below are steps for recruits to become enlisted Soldiers:

  1. Pass a background check

  2. Take an exam on the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The army job you will end up having much determined your score on this test will.

  3. Pass an Army medical exam

  4. Arrange a meeting with a recruiter to discuss accepting your Army job

  5. Take an Oath of Enlistment

  6. Ship to Basic Combat Training

After completion of the Basic Combat Training, you will proceed to Advanced Individual Training (AIT), where you take specialized instruction on the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) that you have chosen. On graduating from AIT, you will receive orders to join your unit.

How to become an officer in US Army

If you are qualified, there are four main paths to becoming an Army Officer: The Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), direct commission, Officer Candidate School (OCS), or attending the U.S. Military Academy.

This process may differ based on your chosen path; these are the steps you will generally take to become an Officer:

  1. Take a standardized test (e.g. ACT or SAT)

  2. Pass an Army medical exam

  3. Talk to an Army ambassador about your path and any funding or scholarship opportunities

  4. Attend commissioning source

  5. Graduate with a degree

  6. Attend the Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC)

  7. Join your unit

What are the requirements for enlisting non-citizens in US Army?

You must not be a citizen to apply, but non-citizens have fewer options. If you are not a US citizen, you must:

  1. Have a permanent resident card (Green Card), entitles you to live and work permanently in the United States.

Application can be made through the U.S. capitulate as you are living overseas or when you reach the U.S.

For you to get your card, you must have one of the various categories, such as:

  • Have a relative residing as a U.S. citizen.
  • You are a worker with exceptional skills; even without skills, you can still apply, but those without skills are of low preference.
  • You are a political refugee.
  •  You are a scapegoat of human trafficking or abuse, which means you need a sponsor to file a permanent resident status petition. This process involves a lot more forms, an interview, photographs, and fingerprints.
  1. Currently live in the US

  2. Speak, read, and write English fluently

  3. Educational and Testing Requirements for Enlisting

  4. You will take an exam on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test.

The ASVAB has ten subtests, and your scores on four of those make up your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score.

Your score will determine which branch to join. Each department has its own lowest score for merging, while your scores on all ten subtests determine which job specialties you qualify for.

  1. You must possess a high school certification or a GED to enlist, and they approve only an insignificant number of people with GEDs each year. To increase your chances of qualifying with a GED, you need to;

° Earn some college credits and having a considerate mark on the Test.

° Health and Fitness Requirements for Enlisting

° You must pass a military acceptance medical exam, including a physical exam, hearing test, vision test, and height/weight measurements.

° For one to become an officer, he must be a college graduate.

Limitations of Non-citizens

Joining the US Army as an enlisted noncitizen can hasten up your path to complete citizenship.

The person’s become military personnel of he is not a citizen because you cannot re-apply for enlistment, get a security clearance, or qualify for assignments outside the US

If you want to become an American citizen, military service waives some of your requirements, such as not being physically present in the US if you are stationed overseas.

Intensive background checks and slow approval is the latest military policy as of February 2018, making it difficult for recruits to start basic training until these checks are completed, which can take up a year or more. If changes do not occur about these policies, it will make enlisting tougher than a few years ago.

Source: Nyscinfo

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