Do you want to be retained in your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) after NYSC considering the high rate of unemployment in the country? If ‘yes’, this post will show you how to make your PPA retain you after your NYSC.
Some corps members want to leave their PPA even without completing their service year because of the job type, location, and other reasons. But there is some others lucky Corps member who gets posting to good PPA and would like to be retained in the organization after NYSC.
Whether you got good or bad PPA, think twice before you say you don’t want your employer to retain because there is no other job out there for you.
If the nature of your job is inline with your career, use the opportunity to gather lots of work experience that will catapult you to higher level. To get retained for 2 – 3 years after NYSC will help you gain needed experience.
To be retained as permanent staff at your current place of work is a decision that first has to be made by you before anyone else.
However, before you make this decision to remain in your present place of work, you ought to first consider if the job descriptions match your career path, and if the work environment would ensure growth both personally and professionally.
If your decision is to remain or be retained in your current place of work, then you should do things that will make your employer not to let you go after your NYSC. If you are important to your employer, he would do anything to see that you are retained.
So, are you ready to discover the secrets of being indispensable at your Place of Primary Assignment?
How to make your PPA retain you after NYSC
Below is how to get retained after your NYSC;
1. Develop positive work attitude
Employers like employees who get the work done and motivates others to do the same without minding the challenges that inevitably come up in any job. Generally, it’s your good response to work-related matters. Examples of positive work attitude include:
- Commitment to your job,
- Willing to work even if your employer is owing you,
- Helping your colleagues,
- Have a positive mind,
- Complain less
Negative work attitude includes:
- Gossiping
- Laziness
- Rudeness
- Unwilling to work
Avoid negative work attitude and always show your employer how professional and dedicated you can be.
2. Be Punctual to work
Employers like employees who come to work on time and are where they supposed to be. Always inform your employer ahead of time of changes in your schedule or if you are going to be late for any reason.
3. Have a sense of honesty and integrity
Employers like employees who maintain a sense of honesty and integrity. Good relationships are built on trust. Employers need someone they can trust.
4. Be self-motivated
Employers like people who require little or no supervision/direction to get the work done in a timely and professional manner. Once a self-motivated employee knows his work, he will do it with nobody asking him to do so.
5. Add value to the organization
Adding value to the organization you work is one of the biggest secrets of getting retained. No employer wants to let go of an employee that is making waves for the organization.
6. Be Goal and Result Oriented
Being a goal-getter will always set you above your peers. Always be at the top of your game. Set goals and standards for yourself periodically depending on your capabilities.
Strive for the achievements of such goals and objectives. As an intern, do not feel over-used even when it may seem so sometimes. Be a high achiever of results and you will find favour in the right’s sight of people who will be in charge of deciding to retain you.
7. Develop Personal and Professional Skills
Employers like employees who exhibit professional behavior at all times. Professional behavior includes learning every aspect of a job and doing it to the best of one’s ability.
Professionals look, speak, and dress accordingly to maintain an image of someone who takes pride in their behavior and appearance. Professionals complete projects as soon as possible and avoid letting uncompleted projects pile up.