How To Move To Canada With Your Family For Study

People frequently ask if overseas students are allowed to bring their family (spouses and kids) to Canada, and the answer is YES! Additionally, this is applicable to ALL academic levels (whether it is BSc., Diploma, Post-Graduate Diploma, Masters, or Ph.D). If you want to move to Canada to for your study with your family, this article is written for you.

These are a few additional points to keep in mind in order to complete this properly.

You can mention your accompanying family members when you apply for your study visa, but when you apply for school admission, you are only submitting for yourself.

The decision for your visa application will be made based on 3 things:

  1. Purpose of study
  2. Proof of funds
  3. Home ties

The three criteria are the same as those for candidates who are single, however if you are applying as a family, the bar is higher. You’ll have to explain why it’s important for your family to be with you, provide proof of additional cash, and demonstrate other ties to your nation.

1. Purpose of study

Include a justification for your spouse and children traveling with you to Canada in your study plan or letter of explanation. Depending on their ages, your kids and spouse can apply for a visitor/study permission, and a visitor/work permit, respectively (depending on what they intend to do in Canada).

If your spouse enters Canada on a visitor visa, they may also apply from within the country or by flag poling at a border crossing for a work permit.

Your study goals and the significance of including your family in your study time are both supported by your study plan. Your children’s youth or the fact that your family has never been split up before could both be contributing factors. Canada places a high priority on family unity, so take advantage of this.

Your spouse is ineligible for the spousal open work permit if you are a student attending a school or program that is not qualified for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) (SOWP). This is one of the key justifications for making sure the program you apply for is PGWP-eligible.

2. Proof of funds (POF):

You will pay additional application costs and provide more proof of financial support (POF) than a single candidate if you plan to apply with your family.

Additionally, you must demonstrate that you have the resources necessary to sustain your immediate family in Canada without working.

You must demonstrate sufficient finances to pay for your tuition, living expenses while a student, and additional funds for the living expenses of any guests you bring. Details can be found here.

In conclusion, the overall amount of money you require will depend on the size of your family.

3. Home ties

An essential component of the Canadian student visa application is evidence of home ties. You must demonstrate your willingness to emigrate from Canada after your studies are over because you are a temporary residence as an international student (if required to do so). The IRCC requests proof of this.

Many overseas students discover that using their family as a representation of their home ties is simpler. Therefore, if you are applying with your family, you must be prepared to demonstrate other ties. It might be your company, investments, job, money, property on the land, etc.

Your application is complete if you give a strong presentation of it and supply the necessary paperwork for each of the three areas that will be taken into account.

You can choose whether to apply alone at first or with family after carefully examining your available documents.

And if you want to apply alone, there is no set period of time after your arrival in Canada in which you must apply for your family members.

Anytime you have the necessary paperwork, you can submit an application for them.

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