This is how to prepare for a job interview in Nigeria and other countries.
A job interview is a face to face meeting between employers and the job seeker where employers ask questions, and job seeker provides answers.
A job seeker needs adequate preparation in order to be successful. However this might be intimidating, but there are many ways you can prepare for an interview for a successful outcome.
How to prepare for a job interview
Below is how to prepare for a successful interview in Nigeria;
1. Study the job descriptions
Take your time to examine the job description. It will give you the ideas about the kind of questions the employer might ask you. The job description include; job position, qualifications, experience and other qualities the employer is looking for in the candidate.
2. Perform a research on the company
Researching about the company will give you an edge over other candidates. So, perform an intensive research to know more about the company. This will also help you to provide context for interview conversations. You can research about a company by searching the web or reading the company’s bulletin. Below are the information you should look for about the company;
- Know about the company’s product or service even if the role is not direct related to it.
- Ensure you understand the role (job description and requirements).
- Know the company’s culture, personality and value
3. Practice your speaking voice and body language
Before you go for an interview, you need to practice strong speaking voice and friendly body language. You might need a friend to practice this or stay in front of a mirror, look at yourself while speaking and record your voice with your phone. Or you can set a camera to record yourself. Pay special attention to your smile, voice and stride.
4. Study likely questions and answers
You should take time to study past or likely questions before the interview. See, 10 tough interview questions and answers.
5. Conduct mock interview for yourself
Conducting mock interview for yourself will help relieve you from anxiety and improve your confidence and boldness.
6. Print hard copy of your CV
Most employers ask for the soft copy of your CV but they might not be able to access during the interview. Having hard copy to present to them shows how prepared you are. You should have at least 3 copies to present to the interviewers plus one for yourself.
7. Leave as early
On the day of your interview, make sure you wake up earlier. It is advisable to alive at the interview venue 30 minutes before the time. When you alive, use the time to go through your notes.
How to prepare for an interview;
- Study the job descriptions;
Perform a research on the company;
Practice your speaking voice and body language;
Study likely questions and answers;
Conduct mock interview for yourself;
Print hard copy of your CV;
Leave early.
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