Apply for ISNAD-Africa 2021-2022 Education Program

The Environmental Education Program 2021/2022 of the International Support Network for African Development (ISNAD-Africa) is now accepting applications. The Environmental Education Program (EEP) uses a co-creation strategy to empower African youth to conceptualise and implement creative local environmental solutions in Africa by leveraging their high enthusiasm, technological savvy, resilience, and exploratory spirit. This article explore how to apply for ISNAD-Africa 2021-2022 Education Program.

ISNAD-Africa empowers secondary school students in African countries through the programme:

  1. Enable green growth by identifying local environmental concerns and requirements.
  2. Apply information from secondary school subjects to solve problems and meet requirements; gain hands-on experience in executing their ideas as projects; receive mentorship from international professionals; and learn from each other by working together on group projects.
  3. Secondary school students, professionals from around the world, and other stakeholders can learn about their projects.
  4. Initiate and manage “EcoHeroes” clubs, which are student-led environmental

About International Support Network for African Development (ISNAD-Africa)

THE INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT NETWORK FOR AFRICA’S DEVELOPMENT (ISNAD) is a non-governmental organisation recognised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) dedicated to increasing worldwide and From over 100 nations throughout the world, ISNAD-Africa has a global network of more than 1,500 green growth experts, researchers, youths, students, and enthusiast.

Benefits of ISNAD-Africa Environmental Education Program

Each selected team will receive:

  • Providing technical advice and mentorship from both international and local specialists in order to enhance and implement the project. It is possible to increase your skills by using critical thinking, hands-on project implementations, online webinars presentation and training.
  • All accepted teams can get money of up to USD $500 for the implementation of their project proposal. This year’s subject is “Connecting Nature Conservation with Other Themes of Development and Livelihood,” with a Please keep in mind that projects should be implemented within a period of 3 to 6 months
  • There will be a certificate
  • Other secondary school students from across the world can view and comment on their work.
  • Make the most of ISNAD-Africa and the World Wild Fund for Nature’s global visibility and publicity (WWF).
  • EcoHeroes clubs with the most inventive and effective ideas will get monetary awards upon completion of their projects sponsored by EEP. The three “EcoHeroes” clubs will receive monetary awards upon completion of their projects sponsored by

Requirements for ISNAD-Africa Environmental Education Program Qualification

  • Student teams from secondary schools throughout Africa are invited to apply.
  • As many as five (5) pupils and a teacher will represent each secondary school (more students and teachers are allowed depending on the nature of their project). You can also apply if your organisation works with secondary school students.
  • Each team is expected to identify environmental challenges and needs in their communities that are related to nature conservation, such as water scarcity, renewable energy, biodiversity protection, marine life, freshwater life, wildlife conservation, and threatened ecosystems, and then propose a solution to address the challenge or meet the need.

Required Documents for the Application

Supporting letter: A letter from the school’s administration expressing its support for the school’s team’s involvement in the programme, as well as the school’s commitment to the operation and sustainability of the club, “EcoHeroes,” once the project funded through EEP is completed. The letter should also state that the school has or will offer electricity, internet, and a projector and camera for high-quality, short-duration video recordings.

How to Apply for ISNAD-Africa 2021-2022 Education Program

Are you interested and qualified? To apply, go to and search for International Support Network for African Development (ISNAD-Africa).

Visit the ISNAD-Africa website for additional information.

The deadline for applications is September 25, 2021.

Source: Nyscinfo

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