JAMB UTME 2022 Pattern For Aspiring Undergraduates

Have you ever wondered how the forthcoming JAMB Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations is going to look like? Are you still confused if the examinations would be a Pencil and Paper Test (PPT) or a Computer Based Test (CBT)? Sit back and read, as this post seeks to provide clarity on these issues. Also checkĀ How to Gain Admission into Universities Without JAMB UTME.

Just so you know, the acronym JAMB stands for Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, which has its Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.

JAMB is the Government agency primarily saddled with the responsibility of facilitating entrance into Nigerian tertiary institutions of learning, be it University, Polytechnic, Monotechnic or Colleges of Education.

It is also the responsibility of JAMB to set and administer UTME (Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations) to prospective undergraduates, in a bid to gauge their suitability and preparedness for tertiary education.

At inception, JAMB UTME took a Pencil and Paper Test (PPT) format. This means that candidates had to read through the questions on the question paper provided, select the correct option, and then shade same answer on the answer sheet. This was an analogue system of conducting examinations which needed to be improved upon.

Due to the shortcomings experienced as a result of the erstwhile system, and to ensure that the entire process is seamless and transparent, JAMB introduced the Computer Based Test (CBT) approach to examinations.

Though candidates had the liberty to choose between PPT and CBT at the initial stage of implementation, Management of JAMB decided to make the CBT examination pattern compulsory for all aspirants, and that has come to stay.

If there would be any alteration in this regard, JAMB would make it known to the public before hand, and we would be sure to update It here for our readers.

JAMB CBT Pattern for 2022

Though it is settled already that JAMB UTME for 2022 would take the CBT format, it is pertinent to note that the board has also adopted a new pattern which would benefit candidates with low level of computer literacy, especially those who do not know how to use the mouse properly, or are afraid of holding it.

In this new system, candidates would only make use of eight keys throughout the examination, and would not necessarily have to use the mouse.

The keys are;

P = (for Previous question)

N = (for Next question)

S = (to Submit responses after the candidate is done answering every question)

R = (to Reverse, if the candidate do not intend to go further)

The other four keys are A, B, C and D. These are the keys representing the four options in each question, from which every candidate would select his/her response.

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