The success of a country’s businesses is crucial to its economic development and expansion. As a result, the more businesses that thrive, the more likely the industry as a whole will flourish. However, in order to start and thrive, these businesses require capital, particularly in a country like Nigeria, where regulations are not precisely favorable. The importance of startup business loans in Nigeria cannot be overstated, and if you own a company, you should look into the institutions that provide them. Businesses would easily survive and flourish in the country if they had access to appropriate loans.
Where Can I Get Startup Company Loans In Nigeria?
Several institutions and individuals in Nigeria provide startup company loans, which you can take advantage of. However, based on their mode of operation, many of these investors secure collateral at first or do not. In general, you can obtain a startup company loan in Nigeria via any of the following channels:
Angel Financiers
Angel investors are individuals or organizations that invest in and assist in the development of startups in exchange for a portion of the company’s stock or a return on investment. Angel investors have helped many startups get off the ground all over the globe in the past, and they are a viable option for your company. They also offer other experiences that will benefit your business as a whole.
Crowdfunding is now a very popular way for startups all over the globe to raise funds. It does not require any paperwork or conventional loan application or repayment, and it is not always referred to as a loan. Instead of sourcing a single investor, crowdfunding enables you to establish an open floor for investors to buy into your idea. There are also numerous crowdfunding sites to choose from, with Kickstarter and Indiegogo being two excellent examples.
Venture Capitalist
This is yet another effective method of raising funds for your company. Venture capitalists are financial organizations that invest in high-growth, high-risk startups. Furthermore, these institutions frequently concentrate on particular industries and have a short return on investment window of 3 to 5 years.
Factoring/ Invoice Advances
This is a complicated process that includes a provider giving you money on billed-out invoices. After you have fronted the money, you must give it back once the customer has settled the bill. Importantly, this system creates a win-win scenario for all parties, particularly you if you need a business loan.
Grants are offered to startups whose services would primarily solve an economic problem or be linked to research. They are also provided by government agencies and some individuals. Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) are two instances.
Institutions In Nigeria That Provide Startup Business Loans
In Nigeria, there are three major organizations that provide startup loans. They are as follows:
Commercial Banks
Commercial banks are probably the most important institutions in Nigeria for providing startup business loans. However, the majority of them demand collateral in addition to other stringent requirements. As a consequence, it is more difficult for businesses, particularly startups, to obtain a loan. They also give the highest loan amount because they can secure an equivalent value in assets from you.
Microfinance Institutions
Microfinance banks are a scaled-down form of commercial banks. This is because they provide similar services, but not in the same quantity. In fact, microfinance banks provide loans with fewer restrictions and collateral requirements. They do, however, give lower maximum loan amounts than commercial institutions.
Banks For Development
Development banks include the Bank of Industry, the African Development Bank, and the African Agriculture Development Bank, to name a few. They provide loans with or without collateral, based on the nature and amount involved. Furthermore, because these institutions concentrate on SMEs, they are favorable for startup company loans in Nigeria.
Final Thought
You can receive startup business loans in Nigeria from either of the above options. However, before granting your request, these institutions will have various requirements and loan access conditions in force. Simply walk into any of these institutions and talk with an agent to acquire a loan. He or she would walk you through the steps.