Best Ideas to Make Money in Northern Nigeria

Northern Nigeria is the country’s most populous area, and this big population provides a wide range of commercial prospects for entrepreneurs to take advantage of. In this post, we’ll look at several viable business possibilities in Northern Nigeria where entrepreneurs may make money. This article list best ideas to make money in Northern Nigeria.

Apart from crude oil, the vast majority of Nigeria’s resources are located in the north. This might be because the country’s capital is in the north, causing the country’s money to flow from the region a stumbling block.

Some enterprises in the region, particularly those we will examine in this piece, are extremely profitable. You will be successful and make a lot of money conducting business in northern Nigeria if you make the proper decision among the enterprises we examine here. Continue reading to learn about the top ten business possibilities in Northern Nigeria. This will undoubtedly demonstrate how to earn money in Northern Nigeria. You can read How To Start A Nursery And Primary School Business

Best Ideas to Make Money in Northern Nigeria

Find below, best ideas to make money in Northern Nigeria:

1. Production of Leather Products

Shoes, purses, wrist watches, and other leather products have cheap production costs since they are made closer to the raw material. Cattle, camels, rams, and a variety of other animals are accessible in the North, and their skins are utilised to make leather products. Their skins are readily turned into leather for the creation of the products described above; the northern portion of Nigeria serves as a manufacturing centre for shoes, bags, and robes, among other things. As a result, if you’re looking for a profitable business, consider producing leather products.

2. Truck Hiring

Cattle, rams, goats, agricultural items such as beans, groundnuts, tomatoes, leather, corn, onions, and a variety of other products are transported to other areas of the nation, making trucking a lucrative industry in Northern Nigeria. Farmers would have a hard time affording trucks to carry their agricultural products to other parts of the country, such as the South. This allows truck owners to maximise earnings while transporting products to their assigned locations.

3. Food Packaging and Processing

The food processing and packaging industry is another booming industry in Northern Nigeria. Because these foods are readily available in huge quantities in the North, processing and packaging them gives them a new and modern character while also ensuring that they are properly maintained. You may generate money in northern Nigeria if you start and operate a food processing and packaging business, such as yoghurt, fruit juices, milk, and so on.

4. Agricultural Products Export

You may create an export business empire in Northern Nigeria by taking advantage of the abundance and affordability of agricultural products to export those products to other countries that may require them. Read also 20 Ways to Get Customers for Your Business 2021

5. Sales of Diamond and Gold

Because gold and other precious stones, such as diamond, are naturally deposited in large quantities in the north, the region serves as a point of departure for raw gold and diamond, as well as a first port of call for finished jewellery. Furthermore, due to the abundance of raw materials in the region, golden and diamond jewellery is very affordable in the north. Furthermore, because the wearing of jewels by both high and low class ladies is a dominating culture, dealers of the product are extremely profitable merchants in the nation.

6. Sales of Cloth

Because cotton is grown and readily available in the north, the cloth manufacturing industry has always thrived and will continue to thrive in northern Nigeria. As a result, if you want to start a successful business in Nigeria, you can take advantage of the abundant cotton in the country’s northern regions to start a cloth manufacturing business and reap the benefits there.


Northern Nigeria is a fantastic place for entrepreneurs to start a business. The North is a highly advantageous location to invest in and generate money in Nigeria because of its big population and plenty of raw materials. Any of the above business ideas will be highly profitable for a businessman looking for areas to invest and make money in northern Nigeria.

Source: Nyscinfo

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