Meet Terhemen, 500L Student Who Castrated Himself To Avoid Sex

Terhemen Anongo, 44, claims to have castrated his second testicle after dropping out of the University of Ibadan as a 500-level medical student.

The story of Anongo, who became a cart pusher after dropping out of school and having one of his testicles removed, was covered by the PUNCH in March 2021. After the report, he received support from a number of people, including his UI classmates.

Asked why he removed the testicle, he had said, “You know how the issue of sexual urge torments one when you don’t have a wife, coupled with your religious beliefs. I am someone deeply involved in religion and I read about Origen Adamantius, one of the early church leaders from Egypt, who paid to be castrated so that he would not be bothered by sexual urge.

“It was in an attempt to do the same thing that I removed my right testicle but there was a heavy flow of blood, so I abandoned it (castration) and rushed to hospital.”

Anongo said he removed the second testicle due of his religious convictions, while speaking with our journalist on the phone on Sunday.

He said, “Yes, I went to remove the second testicle based on religious belief. But I told this man (his friend) not to tell you (the reporter) because I don’t want to disturb you and don’t want it in public domain, still he (the friend) told you.”

Stating his reason for removing the testicle, he said, “I removed it on Monday. The first one had little hitches but this one, having learnt from that experience, I did (remove) it very well. Somebody is always coming to dress it for me.

“I’m fine; there is no problem; I’m only waiting for when the wound will be healed so I can remove the stitches.” Terhemen Anongo

Source: Nyscinfo

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