Monthly Salary of Federal Government Ministries, Departaments, Agencies


You must have read beautiful posts about the salary structures of corporate organizations in Nigeria on the internet, particularly the private sector. Now, we are seeking for your contribution on the net salaries in government ministries, departments, agencies and parastatals.

So, this page was created for discussion, for clarity, state the government agency, position/rank and the monthly net salary. You may wish to state other benefits in such an agency. This could be entry level.

Ensure you state it in the comment section below. I mean the likes Of DPR, AMCON, EFCC, SON, NIMASA, DMO, Public complaint commission, FIRS, CBN, NSCDC, PPPRA, ITF, SEC, NSE, NNPC, FAAN, SSS, SIS, Ministry of Justice, BOI, ICRC, NPA, FMBN, NSITF, PENCON, etc.

Now let’s go to the comment section. Keep it coming guys.


  1. Okay, coming from Nigerian Army am a copral with 11years in service and 10 years in the North East and still counting my salary is 57,778 naira. With monthly allowance for the ops at 45,000. Which is still coming but our big men has hijacked it. So now am left with 57k while serving in the northeast.
    We have what we called non regular allowance which the FG sight 100k flat rate no matter your rank but my is 20k where is 80k? Military is the head of corruption in this country

  2. Federal Government of Nigeria needs to step up, if as a Deputy Director(GL 16/8), the officer is still earning less than N250k, that is a complete joke. While the NASS members and other Agencies are earning between N1m – N5m, then where is the motivation, and where is the Government fighting corruption? In fact the FGN is spreading and encouraging public others to steal. Recently, Government of Turkey enhanced the package for retired works with adequate health incentives (free medical health services), 300 Dollars per month and free housing for its senior citizens.why can’t Nigeria adopt same instead of killing its senior citizens. May God guide our leaders.

  3. CBN NNPC nimasa and other well paid agency will not post their salary here please do your investigation and tell us ur finding

  4. I work at Nigerian Copyright Commission and I’m on grade level 15 (Assistant Director). My total monthly salary is N200,000. It’s unbelievable, but that’s my reality.

  5. Though I work with a state government and not federal. Infact am work with number state in Nigeria. My salary after up 23 years in service and on grade level 14 is by net pay amount to 112,722 a month. Very disgusting and ridiculous but what can you do.

  6. The level of inflation now in Nigeria has got worst, naira no longer has value and it deprecite… despite the increment in minimum wage, it’s still not have positive influence on the economy… Salary increment is highly recommended for all MDA’s ,Ministries and all government paraster till local government level salaries and wages should be review

  7. It is long overdue. It is well known that salary is a motivation to work. Every work has its own risk and when viewed at depending from which sides you are looking at it, has equal risk. _when excalated it could lead to loss of life.

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