NPC New Training Date For Ad hoc Recruitment Is On ….

The National Population Commission (NPC) has rescheduled its training date for Supervisors and Enumerators. According to the commission, the LGA Level recruitment training for Supervisors and Enumerators will commence on yet to be announced date.

All candidates are advised to be prepared and get ready as accreditation will also commence on the first day of the training in every units across the 36 states and FCT.

Recall that the training for enumerators and supervisors earlier slated to commence on 13th April 2023, but now have been shifted indefinitely.

Please share this information with other NPC job applicants who are still confused over the development. And also with all those who keep asking questions such as “is true they postponed the NPC training for supervisor and enumerator?”

10 thoughts on “NPC New Training Date For Ad hoc Recruitment Is On ….”

  1. Toyosi Dorcas

    Can a candidate attend the training in any other state, for the benefit of people that has travelled out of their state

  2. Emmanuel Alex

    The way the NPC are doing things now is confusing because they what this postponement has done to people, because they are people that their mind even their life are depending on this training and it will also help people to have more knowledge about this CENSUS. and they are people who borrowed money to travel to their various states for this training. So please the NPC should help out and fix the real date that this training will commence.

  3. Igiri Ajigo Daniel

    The commission should be setting once being and adhoc staff is not a sin,we are tired of this shifting… thanks

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