NPC Screening Date – Ad hoc Staff Recruitment Shortlist

Requirements To Apply for NPC

NPC Screening Date – Did you apply for the National Population Commission (NPC) ad hoc staff recruitment for the conduct of 2023 population and house census? If your answer is ‘yes’, then read this post till the end.

But if you are yet to apply for the NPC recruitment, ensure that you do so before December 28, 2022. You can ‘click here‘ to fill the application form.

NPC Screening Date

The National Population Commission has not set its official recruitment screening date. However, shortlisted candidates will be screened after the registration has been closed.

Remember that registration will close on December 28, 2022.
This means screening of NPC successful candidates will commence any moment from December 29, 2022.

How to Check your NPC application status

Checking your NPC application status will enable you to know if you have been shortlisted for the recruitment screening.
To check your application status, go to

And then, click on “Check Application Status” button.

Once clicked, “view application status” window will pop up, then enter your application ID in the space provided and click on proceed button.

How to follow NPC updates

In order not to miss out important information regarding the NPC ad hoc staff recruitment, it is advised that you join FG instant update on Telegram App.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for accepting my application, but I have a problem. I lost my application ID given me due problem occured with my phone which is make me to restore the phone. Sir, I am waiting solution from you.

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