Npower WhatsApp & Telegram Group Link For 2022/2023 Batches

NPower WhatsApp Group Link

Are you an N-Power beneficiary or prospective beneficiary who wish to be following Npower updates on WhatsApp or Telegram? If ‘yes’, then you are on the right page. Here we will provide you with the Npower WhatsApp and Telegram group link to join for instant updates regarding N-Power and other government empowerment schemes.

Npower WhatsApp Group

The N-Power WhatsApp group was created on WhatsApp to update both beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries of the government empowerment scheme. Kindly note that the Npower WhatsApp group is restricted, allowing only Admins in the group to post updates. The reason is to prevent fake news, spam, junks, and more from getting into the group.

To Join the N-Power WhatsApp group,

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But on the Npower Telegram you can chat, post and get updates as well. So, we recommend you also join the N-Power Telegram Group.

Npower Telegram Group

If you are the type that like chat, mingle and at the same time get updates, then the telegram group is your best match. To join the N-Power Telegram group,

[maxbutton id=”8″ url=”” text=”N-Power Telegram Group” ]

Note: If you are looking for a group where you can chat or post messages, consider joining the Telegram group.

About N-Power Scheme

The Nigerian youth empowerment programme (N-Power) is a scheme designed to engage unemployed Nigerian graduates between the age of 18 and 35. It provides structure for large scale and relevant skills acquisition and development while linking its core and outcomes to fixing inadequate public services and stimulating the larger economy.

This information was first published on Nyscî DMCA protected!

Source: Nyscînfo


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      After your registration screen shot your dashboard to guide you on how to perform your daily tasks.  Good luck.
      chat me on WhatsApp for more details 07057769237

  1. Good morning… Pls kindly add me to WhatsApp group for Npower 2021.Thanks so much.Appreciate
    This is my number 08038310169

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