NS Academy Programme 2021 for Black Young People

NS Academy Programme

If you’re an entertainer who wants to step into the music industry, create content, and serve as a pioneer. You also falls within the ages of 18 to 25 years, then you are the exact candidate NS Academy is looking for.

NS Academy ProgrammeThe 2021 NS Academy Programme is currently open to accept applications from interested candidates. The NS Academy Programme is a twelve (12) weeks program meant for young black people within the ages of 18 years to 25 years old, that are wanting to enter the music industry.

During the twelve (12) weeks program, a total number of twelve participants will be privileged to learn the basics and how-to’s of the industry from professionals/expert across social media, radio, graphic design, and campaigns.

From the knowledge and skills acquired, NS Academy will be able to produce its own take over on No Signal Radio.

Qualified candidates will be mentored by the programme Manager Tobi Kyeremateng, and also by the Assistant Ibrahim Hashim.
In addition, there will be access to the ‘No Signal opportunities’ and ‘No Signal team’.

Benefits of The Programme

  1. A fee of £1,000 will be given to all participants, and £3,000 at their takeover time.

  2. Anyone can go for the program irrespective of experience, all that is required is the passion shown by participants of the black culture, which will be rewarded in return.

Who can Apply

Anyone that falls within 18 years to 25 years of age, with the passion to uplift the black culture. NS Academy is seriously looking for you if you are one.


  • Open of Applications: 12th of April 2021.
  • Closing of application: 2nd of May 2021.
  • Interviews for candidates: 10th of May, 2021.

A total number of twenty-four (24) applicants will be shortlisted for interview(s). Any applicant(s) who passed the interview will be contacted from on the 17th of May, 2021.


  • 29th of May 2021.
    There will be an Introduction of participants to the ‘No Signal Team’ and #NSAcademy
  • 5th of June, 2021.
    it will be for the takeover briefing on Ideation, Imagination, and the #NSAcademy proper.
  • 12th of June 2021.
    Responding to matters arising from the Brief, and Delivering of a campaign tagged l ‘Campaign 101’.
  • 19th of June 2021 (NS Skills Session)
    There will be an introspection, as well as Goal-Setting to bring the ability of Self-Building in participants.
  • 26th of June, 2021. It will be strictly for Budgeting, and Fundraising 101.
  • 3rd of July 2021. NS Academy Take over Pitch.
  • 10th of July 2021.
    It will be for Introduction and Skills Session.
  • 17th of July, 2021. Creating of Visual Identity (Graphic Design, and Branding).
  • 24th of July, 2021. Hosting of a Radio Show, and Creating of personal Jingles.
  • 31st of July, 2021.
    Social Media, and All Things PR.
  • 7th of August, 2021.
    A Free time to make plans
  • 14th of August, 2021.
    A Free time to make plans

Date For Take Over: 21st of August, 2021.

Note: All sessions drafted above will commence (take place) from 11am to 3pm at the ‘No Signal’ Studio located in Tottenham.
Applicants (Participants) should endeavor to make themselves available for all sessions, and takeover.

How to Apply NS Academy Programme

Interested applicants can commence with the application process by clicking here https://5mjybtxudi4.typeform.com/to/roxdPQbV

Visit the website via the link below for more information about the programme https://www.theresnosignal.com/