PETITION to Pay Corps Members’ Minimum Wage Arrears

This petition was created by a Corps Member, Ishola Temitayo. We need about 100k shares for this petition to get to the Federal Government and other appropriate authorities.

To support this petition, all you need to do is READ and SHARE. You can also drop your useful comment so that authorities will read it as well when it gets to them..

Petition Description: #PayCorpersArrears

I wish to use this medium to draw the attention of the Federal government toward the issue of payment of arrears.

The bill which established the new minimum wage was signed into law since April 2019 which means payment should commence from when the bill was signed into law.

It is worthy of note that all Federal workers have obtained payment in arrears whereas, Corps members are totally left behind.

Recall that under the administration of former President Jonathan the minimum wage was reviewed as Corps members who left the service even before full implementation were all paid in arrears.

Today we wish to know why the Federal Government kept mute over payment of Corps Members’ Arrears.

Corps members nationwide being future leaders and able youths of our great Nation deserve to know why we were left out in this issue of arrears.

Does FG feel that paying us arrears is a waste of money? Does FG realise that paying Corps members’ arrears means investing in us?

[irp posts=”4840″ name=”Pay Us Our Arrears – Corps Member tells Buhari, NYSC DG”]

Our resolution

All Corps members have decided to ask questions and to know exactly why FG excluded us from getting Minimum wage arrears.

Below are the expected arrears in details

Following the announcement of the newly approved wage of N33,000 naira for Corps members by the Director General of the National youth service Corp – Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim, Corps members expect as follows:

1. Corp members in 2019 Batch A will earn as much as N118,800 in areas covering the period between April and December of 2019.

2. Their colleagues in 2019 Batch B stream 1 will earn an estimated amount of N105,200 within the period of June and December while those in Batch B stream 2 will look forward to receiving the sum of N66,000.

3. Also, members in 2018 Batch B streams 1 and 2, and Batch C streams 1 and 2 are expected to earn N26,400, N39,600 and N79,200, N92,400 respectively.

Finally, I call on the relevant (NYSC) authorities to assists us to achieve this aim for the greater benefit of our country at large.

To support this petition, share on social media. We need about 100k shares across social media. You can also drop your useful comment, so that authorities will hear your voice.


  1. Pls FG look into our plea,don’t forget we are the leaders of tomorrow and d legacy u leave behind is what we will transfer to our generations yet to come.biko we need this money. There is no job anywhere and it’s unfair if after one year of service and 5years of schooling we would come out roaming the now are man no man and for those of us that doesn’t know anyone we need to start our life and career pursuit somewhere and that is where that arrears comes in. As for me,that money will be invested. It might be very small for u but for some if us,that money is big and will go a long way in paying bills. Pls DG sir look into this matter for us.thank u in advance

  2. Pls Mr DG I beg you in the name of Almighty Allah, on behalf of my colleagues that U should pls look at this arrears matter into consideration and pleaded with Federal Government to pls pay Corps Members arrears, it maybe a great opportunity for some of us start up a small business, and job giver not job seekers.

    Thank you Sir!!!

    • I appreciate the FG for increasing the corp members allowances from #19800 to #333000.

      However arrears are yet to be pay,i wish to make passionate appeal to the NYSC DG to put more effort dialogue with the FG on how our arrears should be pay.

      The minimum wage bill became an act since April 18th when Mr. President Muhammadu Buhari assented to the bill.

      Thank you.

      God bless Nigeria.

  3. Please mister DG Beg Federal government to pay us our arrears ! it might be an opportunity for some of us to startup and forget about the government employment thought the range of jobless is even higher than your expectation. So we are not forcing but begging. We are now begging to you Mr DG and you should beg to them, because your even closer to them.
    I hope my comment is giving necessary consideration. Thank you
    I am Bukar

  4. Its really going to help us alot cos we can use it to start up a small trade or business and still wait for a better job or grow bigger in our business, pls FG we plead that you help us in these, its for a good n better Nigerian youth.

  5. Please pay the arrears it may help in many ways some can even start a small business with it

  6. Please pay the money it can assist us when added to the ones we have it can go a long way to eradicate joblessness amongst the youth as part of the aims of the corps thanks

  7. If indeed the federal government values our service then our entitlements should be paid in full.
    We have served and deserve to be paid our due.

  8. so When it comes to paying arrears to youths who have served and still serving this nation diligently while some even lost their lives they say we aren’t civil servants, i’m not surprised as this is Nigeria after all. This government should know that in as much as we were included in the increase, we also have all rights to be paid the arrears without delay.

  9. If truely this government is Fighting corruption, then why are they keeping quiet. Is Buhari not hearing us. It is our right and will we demand for it. I see no reason why the DG will open his and say we are not civil servant and because of that no arrears for corps members, is that not wickedness and corruption. The DG is playing the whole thing to the gallery. I am highly disappointed in him. Shame on him. The law states one thing and and now they are doing another thing because it has to do with what others will benefit. This is corruption. The federal executive council is keeping mute.

  10. Even if we are not civil servant, the law do not permit federal government to pay us less than 30k with effect from April that the bill was signed into law.

  11. Sir/Madam

    The arrears will go a long way to help we the batch A that are passing out in a week time including those who have passed out since the bill was signed into law,

    With these arrear those of us who have business intiative can start a little business for themselves,the arrear is a welcome development which will encourage and enable us one way or the other!

  12. The Federal govement should known that paying us this arrears will reduce unemployment,Knowing that there is no collateral for obtaining loans to start up business.But only this arrears will enable us to start up with something than going around looking for white-collar jobs.

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