This petition was created by a Corps Member, Ishola Temitayo. We need about 100k shares for this petition to get to the Federal Government and other appropriate authorities.
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Petition Description: #PayCorpersArrears
I wish to use this medium to draw the attention of the Federal government toward the issue of payment of arrears.
The bill which established the new minimum wage was signed into law since April 2019 which means payment should commence from when the bill was signed into law.
It is worthy of note that all Federal workers have obtained payment in arrears whereas, Corps members are totally left behind.
Recall that under the administration of former President Jonathan the minimum wage was reviewed as Corps members who left the service even before full implementation were all paid in arrears.
Today we wish to know why the Federal Government kept mute over payment of Corps Members’ Arrears.
Corps members nationwide being future leaders and able youths of our great Nation deserve to know why we were left out in this issue of arrears.
Does FG feel that paying us arrears is a waste of money? Does FG realise that paying Corps members’ arrears means investing in us?
[irp posts=”4840″ name=”Pay Us Our Arrears – Corps Member tells Buhari, NYSC DG”]
Our resolution
All Corps members have decided to ask questions and to know exactly why FG excluded us from getting Minimum wage arrears.
Below are the expected arrears in details
Following the announcement of the newly approved wage of N33,000 naira for Corps members by the Director General of the National youth service Corp – Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim, Corps members expect as follows:
1. Corp members in 2019 Batch A will earn as much as N118,800 in areas covering the period between April and December of 2019.
2. Their colleagues in 2019 Batch B stream 1 will earn an estimated amount of N105,200 within the period of June and December while those in Batch B stream 2 will look forward to receiving the sum of N66,000.
3. Also, members in 2018 Batch B streams 1 and 2, and Batch C streams 1 and 2 are expected to earn N26,400, N39,600 and N79,200, N92,400 respectively.
Finally, I call on the relevant (NYSC) authorities to assists us to achieve this aim for the greater benefit of our country at large.
To support this petition, share on social media. We need about 100k shares across social media. You can also drop your useful comment, so that authorities will hear your voice.
We expect the DG to stand for Corp members, we deserve the arrears as well.
Pay us our arrears
The system did not start today. It’s been there. Please FG pay our arrears
Why are corp members left behind,we are fully entitled to the arrears Or are we not under Federal government again?
It’s the fundamental right of every Corp member, the FG should rather use this as an opportunity to prove to the youths that they are also important to nation building through the NYSC by paying up their arrears.
Government should seriously look at this matters of arrears it could help many people in this hardship where more than one million ex corpers are jobless and no capital to start small scale business.
The payment of arrears is our right and not privilege.#PayCorpersArrears
Corp member deserve to be paid arrears, because it is our right. this is not the first time minimum wage was implemented.
Since it happened before and Corp members were paid arrears it can be different this time.
Federal government should look into the matter and act fast.
It can’t be different in this present administration
It is our rights not privilege we have work for it, saying we don’t have arrears is a trash, or they want tell us the law that supported worked to get their arrears is different with Corp members, after all it is not a new things Jonathan have paid it, so Buhari is ought to pay us our money quickly iam in batch A 2019 serving in Bauchi state
In the spirit if Aluta i want to commend those that thought about this idea. I believe in trying than sitting down to criticize and theorize. All for one my fellow Compatriots.ALUTA CONTINUA, VICTORIA ASCERTA
Am opeyemi yusuf batch c stream 2, I plead to federal government to have mercy on us base on our areas cozs I was serving then when the president sign the agreement of increasemeant of serving corper’s some times April 2019 and the nysc official are promising us that the inreasment will get to us as soon as government approve the bill. But now we are hearing a different things now that they cannot give the corper’s serving then now cozs we have passed out. Pls Nigeria help us beg our president. God bless Nigeria
I see no reason that FG will denied us our entitlement. The country has enough money to pay ex-corps members. Most of us from lower class family. Let’s take example on me,i am a graduate of business administration with a very good idea of small scale business but the capital to implement my intention is the biggest obstacle. If the FG pay us our arrears, we will add our little personal saving to start a business without relying or waiting for white collar-job. The business idea isn’t the problem but the capital to execute it. So, we are appealing to FG to look into this matter and consider it’s youths, those served their father land selfless under the sun and in the rain.
The last time allawe was increased, FG paid arrears to the then ex corpers, why not do same now? It really will help some who ventured into small scale biz, and also to some looking for capital to start instead of taking loan. It can equally help those in secular jobs.
Please FG, do unto us what was done unto others. It is called fair judgment or impartiality and we’ll all be good citizens. God bless Nigeria and deliver us from corruption… Amen
Please pay this arrears to all Corp members, we are working to the best of our knowledge.
Corps members that served 2011 during jonathan regime, are they subjected as civil servants?
Why did he paid their arrears then?
Is there any page where minimum wage and arrears was included in 2019 budget?
Why civil servants received their minimum wage and arrears??
With the challenges graduates is facing after nysc, didn’t them think that, paying corpers arrears can reduce the unemployment rate in Nigeria?
i support this and sincerely the FG will get to know that its not a waste of money,there are lot of us our there with potentials buh the resources is not enough and i’m sure that when the arrears is being added i’m sure it’ll even reduce unemployment and those evil act out there cause people will invest in what they can to fetch them income if not daily,probably weekly.
We need our arrears is our right
FG you must pay us our arrears
Gombe. Gombe. Jigawa, Enugu,Nassarawa, cross river
Let federal government pay us our arears because we need capital to establish our dream businesses because there is no adequate fund,no financial support to execute this plan. Many today regretted going to the higher institutions because there are no jobs. Please federal government, pay us our arears
Corpers are even supposed to organize themselves and meet the authorities,l mean people concerned.
They can continue to do what they like, the country belongs to everyone of us?