WAEC 2022 Final International Timetable (Download)

We’ll keep you updated on WAEC 2022 Exams Final International Timetable for West African Senior School Certificate Examination for School Candidates, 2022. (for candidates in The Gambia, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone)

The Following Are Some Points To Consider:

  1. There is a time difference between the time on the question paper and the timetable. When the duration on the question paper and the timetable differ, the duration on the question paper shall be followed.
  2. Question Papers to be Distributed in Advance of Examination Dates:

3A Visual Art

  • Paper 3A-Instructions will be distributed to schools two weeks before to the exam.
  • Paper 3B – Candidates will be provided the question paper two weeks before the exam.

Candidates must complete their projects within six months of the test year in Paper 3C. The Council will notify schools about the deadline for submitting art items.

(b) Block laying, bricklaying, and concrete construction 3 (Practical) Candidates will be sent the question paper three days before it is set to be taken.

(c) Project Work Papers: Two weeks before to the test, candidates will get question papers for project work in Painting & Decorating, Dyeing & Bleaching, and Leather Goods Manufacturing & Repair. Candidates will be notified of the exact date for the transmission of question papers through their schools.

  1. Extra Time for Blind, Deaf, and Dumb Candidates: Candidates who are blind, deaf, or dumb should be given one and a half times as much time as other candidates.

Click here to download the Final International Timetable.

This information was first published on nyscinfo.comDMCA PROTECTED.

Source: Nyscinfo

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