Recall that we at nyscinfo.com had previously reported that ex-corper, Mercy Adelakun committed suicide because her boy friend dumped her. Mercy’s decision to take her own life has got many people talking why the young lady should go to that extreme. Many blamed her boyfriend, but today Mercy’s boyfriend has cleared the air.
Mercy Adelakun’s boyfriend (name withheld) has given nyscinfo.com the full story why his lover, Mercy took her life.
According to Mercy’s boyfriend, Mercy attempted suicide up to three times before they met each other in 2017. “I really love her(Mercy) despite the fact she was ‘epileptic’. We both planned to get married but her parents never allowed that to happen because they said I’m a curse.”
“Mercy’s parents attend ‘white garment church’, and they always see visions that I am a curse to their family…”
Below is the full account why Mercy killed herself, according to Mercy’s boyfriend:
“I met Mercy Adelakun when we went for a Facebook hangout in December, 2017. I asked her to date me but she didn’t want to give in then due to some reasons. I persisted before she later opened up to me that she’s suffering from epilepsy and the past relationship she’s been into didn’t end well.
“I told her she shouldn’t worry that I would always be there for her… So, we started dating.
“Problem started when she told me that her grandmother who was a prophetess saw some visions that we couldn’t get married because I’m not good for her; that we are not compatible for marriage. I then told her it was all lies that nobody has the power to see our future.
“But she (Mercy) never listened to me. So, a day(Sat 29th June, 2019) before she committed suicide, she texted me that she was depressed that she felt like dying. When I asked her what the issue was, she said they(Mercy’s parents) had another visions; this time, she said the vision was that her(Mercy’s) life is in danger if she continued in relationship with me. Then I told her that this is getting serious, that I have been telling her time without number that these things are all lies and if she believed those visions; then for me not to put her life at risk that maybe we should go our separate ways.
“That’s our last discussion on that Saturday. So, on Sunday morning, she sent a text to me that she is coming to pick her money and other things she left in my place… next, I got another text from her saying she’s gone.
“I immediately called her on phone and she picked up but Jeremy’s voice was weak, telling me its too late. I had to quickly call her younger brother to go check on her… The next thing I would hear was that she’s dead”
all these are more spiritual than physical. people need to pray regularly against demonic manipulations