Why we launched N-Power Batch C under NSIP – Minister

On Thursday, Nyscinfo.com had reported that N-power Batch ‘C’ was launched under National Social Investment Programme (NSIP) by the federal government of Nigeria. Loan

The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs Hon. Sadiya UF, has given reasons behind the launching of the National Social Investment and Information Management System (NASIMS), which is meant for Npower Batch C beneficiaries.

According to the Minister, the new system is to bring about transparency, during the administration of the Batch C beneficiaries (next sets of volunteers). Loan application

She went further to say that the system will aid development, optimization, and also complement the reformation of NSIP with inclusion of other activities the ministry is involve into.

She didn’t stop there during the Launching ceremony of the new system, as she took time to give brief explanation about the ICT tools.

According to the Honourable minister, the ICT tools will serve a systematic purpose, in terms of monitoring, administration, coordination, and management of stakeholders across all NSIP programmes that is under the ministry’s control. Get loan

“To make sure there’s transparency, dynamic assessment of Npower batches, institutional memory/documentation, the next batch of the Npower program (Batch C) will be administered via NASIMS.

The system will enable volunteers get their stipends earlier, easily access a broader range of industry specific content for a successful business learning, give complains and receives feedback from the NSIP teams.

“The verification process will be redefine and seamless, including efficient exit/transition plans that will make it more easier to migrate beneficiaries into the NEXIT program automatically”.

The minister also gave the assurance that the selection process for Npower Batch C will be done based on merit, as beneficiaries will emerge from all States of the country.

The proposed number of beneficiaries in the Npower Batch C set will be one million (1,000,000) beneficiaries, starting with five hundred (500) beneficiaries for the Stream 1 and the remaining five hundred (500) for Stream 2. Government loan.

All these initiative is to meet up with President Muhammadu Buhari’s plan to uplift one hundred million (100,000,000) Nigerians from poverty in the next ten (10) years.

Before proceeding to the mandatory online test which is the next level of selection, all Npower Batch C applicants are required to update their records by visiting https://www.nasims.gov.ng/

Although, the minister made it known that an SMS or Mail will be sent to Batch C applicants regarding how to log into the portal.

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