10 Job Search Mistakes You Should Avoid in 2021

This topic focuses on 10 job search mistakes you should avoid when searching for a job. Many people remain unemployed because of these mistakes.

10 Job Search Mistakes You Should AvoidAfter going through this article, you will discover your job search mistakes, and correct them.

10 job search mistakes you should avoid

Below are serious job search mistakes you should avoid;

1. Not choosing a career path

Searching and applying for a random job is a big mistake you should avoid. Many people that desperately need a job, don’t really bother to choose a career path. Having a career path will help you know the skills you need and also lead to effective job search.

2. Not preparing for a job search

Many people do not know that searching for a job is a job on its own. Before you go about searching or applying for a job, make sure you have discovered your career path.

Job search preparation starts by creating a quality CVwinning cover letter and gaining relevant skills.

3. Applying for ghost jobs

Many people who are too desperate to get a job apply for non existing jobs. They submit applications to different organizations where there is no job opening. This can demoralize you as you’re more likely not to get a call or invitation.

4. Applying for a job through traditional method

As the world is now a global village, applying for a job through the traditional method of taking the hard copy of your CV to employers may not yield any positive result. You can search and applying for a job through job websites.

5. Not open to new possibilities

Always be ready to change your career path as the world experience job trends. Try to be opened to new possibilities by not building a career that will probably go extinct.

6. Not believing in yourself

This is a big job search mistake that many people make. You need to believe in yourself before you can convince your prospective employer to believe in you.

7. Looking for job advertisements alone

There are many job openings that are hidden. This kind job will not be advertised on National dailies or job websites. Accessing hidden jobs is mostly through ‘connection’. You need to ask people to help you find a job in the company where they work. Don’t rely on online job postings alone to get your dream job.

8. Poor networking

Connecting to the right people can make your job search easy and more effective. Make use of social media like LinkedIn.com to connect with employers and fellow job seekers.

9. Applying for jobs you do not qualify

Many job seekers used to apply for job openings, which they do not qualify. This can be a waste of time and efforts that could be used into preparing quality CV and cover letter. It makes little sense applying for jobs you do not qualify.

10. Not following instructions

Strictly follow every instruction when applying for a job. If they say “don’t apply for more than once”, never do that by mistake. Not following instruction can automatically disqualify you from getting your dream job.

Thank you for reading this article, if you know any mistake you want us to add here, kindly tell us in the comment section below.

1 thought on “10 Job Search Mistakes You Should Avoid in 2021”

  1. Aminu Sadiq Abdullah

    But I can understand that mistake number 1 and that of number 5 seemed to have a similarity.please how can you help me while trying the fifth step not to end up making a number 1 mistake?

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