6 Tips To Improve Your Google Ad Campaigns ROI

Google Ads are seen by an estimated 80% of all internet users on a daily basis. That equates to almost 4.4 billion individuals. So, if you’re not receiving leads or seeing a return on your Google Ads campaigns, it’s probably not a lack of reach – you’re doing something wrong.

Google Ads is the world’s most popular pay-per-click (PPC) marketing solution for a reason: it works! Don’t listen to the doubters. If a marketer is dissatisfied with Google Ads, it’s because they failed to discover faults in their campaigns.

6 Tips To Improve Your Google Ad Campaigns ROI

If your Google Ads campaigns are generating a low ROI, I have some suggestions. After nearly two decades of using Google’s PPC ad services, I know a thing or two about making the most of this critical marketing tool.

1. Determine The Problem

Google Analytics is the greatest self-diagnosis tool for Google Ads campaigns. You can monitor how each of your keywords and landing pages is performing in their dashboard. Find the landing pages with the highest bounce rates and the keywords with the lowest click counts using the Google Analytics dashboard.

If you’re running numerous campaigns at the same time, you’ll have a wonderful opportunity to compare the top-performing and worst-performing campaigns to see what works and what doesn’t.

2. Examine Your Impression Share Data

There are several key performance indicators (KPIs) in the PPC game, but none is more significant from a ROI standpoint than Impression Share. Your Impression Share value will indicate how much space you have to scale.

You’re about to reach a ceiling if you’re capturing 80% or more of the impression share for a keyword. That remaining 20% is definitely too expensive for you to pursue and isn’t worth pursuing. If this is the case, you may need to alter your keyword.

An Impression Share score of 5% or 10%, on the other hand, shows that there is a lot of space for growth. You can undoubtedly tip the scales in your favor by progressively increasing your monthly ad spend budget.

3. Consider Google Ads Suggestions

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. This is certainly true for Google Ads, which includes a built-in “Recommendations” algorithm that can be accessed via the left-hand panel of the Google Ads dashboard.

Google Ads Recommendations assigns a “optimization score” to your ads that, in my experience, is usually always correct. If yours is less than 90%, I recommend making the improvements that Google Ads suggests below your given score.

4. Reconsider your keywords

A poor PPC campaign is frequently caused by a term with little search volume. Simply simply, a keyword that no one is searching for will not generate any leads. As a result, I strongly advise using one of the following services to determine which keywords are worth pursuing and which are not:

  • Ahrefs
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • SEMrush

Any keyword with fewer than 500 monthly searches is a waste of time and effort. Personally, I prefer to target keywords with tens of thousands of searches each month — as long as the keyword difficulty score is less than 35 or 40. These software programs are, to be sure, paid tools, but they are well worth the money if you want to increase your PPC marketing effectiveness. Otherwise, you’re just shooting in the dark without the data needed to make intelligent marketing decisions.

5. Consider Hiring A Google Ads Expert

Google Ads has spawned its own cottage business. There are numerous qualified Google Ads specialists available these days who can assist you in optimizing your campaigns and removing some of the friction associated with the setup, analysis, and maintenance of Google Ads campaigns.

Not only can Google Ads specialists identify flaws in your marketing plan, but they can also take full control of your campaigns and get them to convert more quickly. Essentially, they may do all of the legwork for your PPC marketing.

6. Change the location of your targeting

Google undoubtedly has the best geolocation targeting capabilities of any Big Tech behemoth – so take advantage of them! When it comes to local targeting in Google Ads, you have three options:

  • Presence or interest: People who are in, regularly visit, or are interested in that location.
  • People who are present in that location on a regular basis.
  • People looking for that location are interested.

The default selection is “Presence or interest,” which isn’t always the best option. For example, someone travelling through town and searching your term might not be interested in visiting your dental facility.

If you aren’t getting the ROI you desire from your Google Ads campaign, I recommend adjusting these settings. I recommend reducing your geolocation selections to “Presence” in order to attract locals who are more likely to be interested in your business.

Google Ads, contrary to popular opinion, is not a hands-off marketing tool. You can’t just “set it and forget it” and ride off into the sunset as your bank account begins to accumulate zeros. If you want to succeed, you must perform maintenance and testing virtually every day.

Final Thoughts

Despite the fact that it requires a lot of upkeep, Google Ads is still the finest game in town for PPC services even 20 years after its inception. It is, however, only as useful as your ability to use it. You may enhance the ROI of your Google Ads campaigns by following the processes indicated above, which include diagnosis, keyword optimization, KPI analysis, and geolocation changes.

If it fails, don’t be afraid to consult with a Google Ads expert. Fortunately for busy business owners, these pros can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to PPC marketing.

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