Christmas is a Christian yuletide season that is marked with celebration and relaxation. It’s also the time when most companies and Human Resource personnel take a break from the long working months – January through December. As the merriment is ongoing, job seekers often tend to slack off, forgetting the need to continue seeking a job to avoid unemployment in the coming year.
Because they often think that companies aren’t recruiting, not knowing that companies don’t go on full breaks during this euphoric season.
Therefore, there are good reasons to say that the Christmas period is a great time to search for jobs.
8 Reasons Why Christmas period is Best time for Job Search
Below are reasons why Christmas period is best time to seek for a job;
1. Many companies are recruiting despite the celebration
In the few weeks to come, Christmas will be upon us. Then, you start asking yourself, “should I take a break from job searches?” “Is it not okay to wait till January?” It’s quite understandable.
Christmas is a relaxing and enjoyable moment where you spend time with friends, families, and relatives you haven’t seen in a while, but be aware that some companies are actually and actively still undergoing it’s recruiting process.
Remember, businesses in hospitality, tourism, and retailing are never on break during this festive season. Many events and turn-up happen most during this period, which will be a massive opportunity for job seekers.
Job seekers with skills as; chefs or cooks, waitress, retail assistants, store management, and department management can submit applications to industries with such needs and demands.
Significant states that show high demand during this period include; Lagos, Abuja, Port-Harcourt, Benin, and any other hospitality-driven states in Nigeria.
2. Allows you to be ahead of other job seekers come January
It’s quite understandable if you decide to take a break during this yuletide season; after all, you have been searching from the beginning of the year but to no avail.
You definitely can’t be questioned for wanting to take a break! But, you have to be outstanding, focus, and use your time well because this will help you be a step ahead of others – you never know when your dream job will come knocking.
Not only will you be ahead of others, but it will also help you to be calm and avoid the anxiety and tension that comes with starting a new year, which is always a constant reminder of things that were left undone the previous year, a new beginning in some aspects of life.
Therefore, when you continue your search during the euphoric season, you will be ahead of others, well- planned and focused on the next year’s beginnings.
3. Lesser competition
It’s Christmas, most of the job seekers are taking breaks, which gives you an ample opportunity to have lesser competitors for several positions.
4. Christmas always brings happiness to people
You still see people being extra happy and friendly during this period; why don’t you take advantage of the euphoria Christmas brings.
There is a possibility of you being accepted into a company during this period. If you prepared very well for it because there’s a tendency interview might not be strict as before, it may involve lesser questions. So, why not an advantage of the good mood of employers during this period.
5. To get people’s attention during Christmas is very easy
Most HR personnel or Hiring managers usually take breaks during this period, using this opportunity to finish up projects, catch up on administration before the holidays, meet with colleagues, and attend holiday gatherings.
Yet, many are still working or checking emails at home, and this is an excellent chance to make contact by submitting your resume as many of the job seekers are taking breaks; it gives the HRs lesser emails to read, giving you a possible chance.
6. It can be an outstanding way to structure through the season’s social events
As Christmas brings many festivities, it’s a perfect opportunity for you to network when you go to social events- meet new people or professionals that can help you expand in your career.
However, it won’t do you good to make people uncomfortable about your lack of job but allowing people to know you are open to the idea of help from them is very important.
For instance, it’s not only to tell people that you are looking for a job, because they will wonder, ooh you have been idle doing nothing, let them know that even though you don’t have a job, you have also been productive with your time. So, do have an open-minded you attend social functions.
7. Christmas creates opportunities for volunteer jobs
When you attach volunteering on your resume, it indeed says a lot about you to the recruiter, and what better way to give back, if not the Christmas period.
It may be a temporal or seasonal job; it doesn’t matter, but be assured that you will learn, enhance, and experience new or old skills you may or may not have.
There is a possibility of a temporary job becoming a permanent job. Suppose you are recruited for a quick seasonal holiday job. In that case, you may end up keeping it if you made a good impression as companies or industries often let their temporary employees continue work for holidays.
8. It’s an occasion to read career books, blogs and follow trends
It is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your knowledge of job searches by reading career-changing books and blog articles, which will help you be well–prepared to show recruiters your qualities when the new year begins effectively.
Conclusively, it’s quite self-explanatory from the materials above that there are ample opportunities during the Christmas period, giving you insight into the many things you can do or accomplish during this season and in the New year.
Source: Nyscinfo