8 Simple Ways to Become a Better Public Speaker

The way an individual speaks tells a lot about the person, it affects people’s perception about the person. Hence, public speaking is something worth discussing. Here we will show you the simple ways to become a better public speaker to improve in your communication skills.

Simple Ways to Become a Better Public Speaker

According to Wikipedia, Public speaking is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. The “live audience” in this context can be a single person or a large crowd.

And there comes a time in everyone’s life, when he/she will have a serious speech to present to person(s). Good speech can attract promotion to the speaker, and demotion when speaks poorly.

8 ways to become a better public speaker

If you want to improve in your public speaking skills, below are ways to achieve that;

1. Be composed

Composure matters a lot when it comes to public speaking. Because someone who is nervous tend not to do well, and commits blonder while speaking, due to lack of composure. So focus your attention to the audience and not on yourself, or what you are saying. Try as much as possible to be your own self.

2. Study the concepts and not the content

Most speakers fails to deliver a proposed speech or presentation because, they believe all that is required is to practice and memorize the entire contents.

However, it is far from that because you can perform better if you understand the concept of the speech or presentation, and use your own words to get it delivered.

This is mostly achieved by taking note of the key terms/points, then speak on them using your own words other than reciting it words after words, just as it is in the main handout or work plan.

3. Be interactive and flexible

Some people perform badly while speaking in public because they fail to study and understand what the audience wants.

You can only know what they want and if that are following your speech when you relate with them interactively, seeking their response when necessary.

So always prepare on how and when to get your audience involve in the speech or presentation you are rendering.

4. Be audible

This has to do with your pitch, when positing. You must not be too loud, but ensure while giving your speech the person at the far end hears you clearing.

When you have the ability to control your voice, things becomes easier for you as the audience won’t get bored or see reasons not to listen while you speak.

5. Enhance your visual

Ensure your eyes are everywhere and don’t focus on one particular person while speaking, as such attribute leads to unstable presentation.

You might be looking at every single person in the hall, but your eyes are not really on them, it’s just a way to let them know you are seeing everyone and carrying everyone along with you.

6. Plan Appropriately

Always remember that failure to plan as already made you plan to fail. Although there are times when we might be called upon to present a speech, even though its an impromptu speech you just have to posit to tell how eloquent you are or can be.

But in every planned speech, it is expected of the speaker to make a concrete arrangement  on how to deliver the speech, and the method to adopt while speaking.

Things to put in the plan could be major points, headlines and even the type of audience you are to face. If there is a concrete plan, one can judiciously utilize the given time and gain more kudos. But if no plans on ground, the consequences on the end won’t tell well.

7. Observe body language

Your body language while speaking passes a lot of information to your audience. Hence, you ought to observe the way you move, stand and even demonstrate.

The audience can easily relate how true, and accurate your words are while speaking, and will relate towards you base on that. You are also expected to notice the body language of your audience as well.

8. Listen to your audience

While interacting with your audience, don’t in any way cut them short as you are meant to listen to what they have to say before responding. Don’t in any way disregard their say or opinion, rather you should explain clearly to them in a hasty manner.

There are other important ways that will help make one a good and if possible better public speaker that are not recorded in this article, but the above listed ways can prove positive when followed keenly. Thanks

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