Apply: Berlin University Fellowship Program For International Students 2023

The Berlin University Fellowship Program is targeted at graduates from all artistic and scientific areas who see collaboration with experts from other fields as a crucial component of their work. The fellowship offers recipients the chance to work closely on developing, creating, or realizing their own project for two years.

Additionally, the Graduate School provides opportunities for individual supervision by professors from the fields of Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Music, and Architecture, Media, and Design, as well as for teaching and project integration within the framework of interdisciplinary collaborations between arts and sciences at the Berlin University of the Arts.

The Graduate School views itself as an academic venue for discussion and exchange that aids fellows in furthering their work both practically and conceptually and discursively.

Thus, we are particularly interested in speaking with applicants who are eager to engage in group discussions, exchange ideas, and collaborative work with other actors at the Berlin University of the Arts.

Berlin University Fellowship Program Benefits

The following support is provided over the two-year period of the fellowship:

  • A monthly bursary of €1,365 as contribution to living expenses as well as €103 material costs
  • Grants for project research and production costs based on project needs and available funds
  • Child allowance(s) where applicable
  • Individual office space that can be adapted as studio space subject to opening hours at the UdK Berlin
  • Access to the wider range of the university’s facilities and resources (e.g. libraries, workshops, labs, courses), subject to availability
  • Information and support for international students as provided by the UdK international office

Note: Fellows are expected to arrange their own housing in Berlin. The International Student Services at the UdK Berlin can help with this to some extent, although it should be noted that this is not a residency program.

Berlin University Fellowship Program Requirements

  • The Berlin University of the Arts is committed to increasing its share of young female artists and scholars and therefore expressly encourages women to apply.
  • Applications are accepted in both German and English.
  •  Interested persons are asked to submit an artistic or design project or research project that can be completed within two years.

Interview Process

Those who advance through the first round will be notified by the first of May 2023 and invited to an interview.

Interviews are conducted during the second round, either in person or online. The application form for the second stage must be completed by candidates who have been invited to the second round. Further supporting documents can be uploaded there as one PDF file with a maximum size of 10 MB:

  • If relevant: details of a planned course to be taught at the UdK
  • The names of any proposed project partners
  • A reference in a discipline that is central to this project (please provide contact details of the referee)

Interview Date

The interviews are anticipated to occur in May 2023’s second half. Make sure to be available, please. By the start of June 2023, you will be informed of the final results of your application.

Applications that are not submitted by the due dates or do not meet formal standards will not be taken into consideration.

Documents Required For Application

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Cover letter (no more than two A4 pages) addressing the following questions: How would your professional development benefit from a fellowship? What do you expect from the exchange between the Graduate School fellows? How do you see your contribution to this forum? Within which contexts do you situate your practice (artistically, socially, historically)?
  • Project outline, provisional schedule, budget and financing plan (no more than four A4 pages overall, minimum font size 11)
  • Copy of university degree certificate(s) (equivalent to a Master’s degree or Diploma) or proof of outstanding artistic aptitude and particular skills in your discipline, as attested by at least three years of successful professional practice in the form of certificates or other documents
  • Up to 3 work samples from your own artistic practice (online cross-references should be included as hyperlinks in the PDF).

How to Apply

Visit Berlin University on to apply

The first stage is completed online. Please upload the following documents as one PDF file (maximum 10 MB) in the Application Form

Please also see our FAQs.

For any further questions, please contact studyguide@udk-berlin / Tel.: +49 30 3185 1480

About Stephen Adoga 2561 Articles
Stephen Adoga is a trained journalist, researcher, creative writer, content creator, video editor and freelancer. He studied Mass Communication at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, where he acquired requisite training for the practice of journalism. He loves the media. His interest mostly lies in the print medium where his creative writing skill makes him a perfect fit.