The comedy sector is one of the biggest and fastest growing in the entertainment industry. In each new day, young comedians are creating entertainment niches for...
After discovering the Chest containing the knowledge to the fabled Akolo’s secret brew, Odudu Otu, 22, has won the grand prize. As the winner, he receives...
There are a lot of artists earning a lot of money in the globe right now, but for the sake of emphasis, we’ll narrow the list down to...
You’re probably familiar with Google Play Music, the company’s premier music player, if you’ve ever had an Android phone. The app, however, is no longer available,...
The Christmas period is not just a season where Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, it is also a period when...
Oluwatobiloba Daniel Anidugbe, is a Nigerian singer and songwriter popularly known by his stage name Kizz Daniel. The singer’s stage name was ‘Kiss Daniel’ before he...