Covid-19 Loan Support Form (Steps to apply)

Are you a business owner? Is your business or household affected by lockdowns brought about by lethal Covid19 pandemic? If your answer is ‘yes’, you can fill a Covid-19 Loan Support Form to get fund from the federal government, through the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

Covid-19 Loan Support Form

Requirements to get Covid-19 Loan Support in Nigeria

How to Register for Covid-19 Loan Support

  1. To access the Covid19 loan support application form, visit (if the portal is not opening, kindly check back!)

  2. Once the form page open, select reason for loan application, then summit.

There are different type of Covid19 loans

  • Households: those their livelihood are negatively impacted.
  • Microenterprises: Existing Enterprises affected by the pandemic.
  • SMEs: Interprises that want to take advantage of opportunity arising from Covid19.

After completing the loan application, it will display “Thank! Your application has been summited successfully“.

Then afters some days, you will get notification that your application for the loan has been approved. If you have a question, kindly go to the comment section below.

Source: Nyscinfo

139 thoughts on “Covid-19 Loan Support Form (Steps to apply)”


      Please I did not see the link n my Gmail account, pleas assist me, l have been expecting massage from my Gmail account, still now I did not see any massage

  1. Is it true that covid19loan application is open people are posting on social media

    1. Mohammed Mustapha

      It show me bvn does not exist, I don’t no why, half me how we shall process are our on

  2. Bashir nasir

    Its showing me does not exist invalid BVN provides i don’t know what to do

    1. You are not approved by Nirsal
      If you are approved by Nirsal and once you summit ur BVN u will see all the information for your covid 19 loan

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