How To Apply For 13th Casa Africa Essay Award

Casa Africa presents its Essay Prize on African themes for the 13th year in a row, with the goal of recognizing, supporting, and spreading original and unpublished works that contribute to a greater understanding of the African continent.

Migrations has been picked as the theme for this year’s edition.

Migrations have been a part of humanity’s history since the dawn of time. We also live in an era when migration from Africa to Europe is on the rise, in the midst of a pandemic and global crises, and in the setting of a globally integrated and interdependent world. It is consequently critical to consider mobility, its origins, causes, and potential consequences, as well as to provide innovative and long-term solutions to the issues it raises.

For these reasons, Casa frica has decided to focus the 13th edition of its essay competition on migrations, their effects on the African continent, future trends, and potential remedies…

This call is open to any natural person over the age of 18 who is a resident of any country and does not work or have a professional relationship with Casa frica or any of its institutions (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, Government of the Canary Islands and the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria). Previous call for proposals winners are likewise ineligible to participate.

Only one essay per author will be accepted, as in past editions, though the same piece may be signed by many authors.

The winning essay will be published in our Essay Prize Collection, and a prize of 2,000 euros will be granted, according to current Spanish tax legislation at the time of payment, independent of the winning author’s place of tax residence (s).

The essays must be unpublished, original, and have not won or been pending a judgment in any other competitions. They may be written in Spanish, English, French, or Portuguese.

It is necessary to complete the application form connected to the call for entries in order to participate.

The essays may be submitted at any of the locations listed in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, dated 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, namely:

  • Any Public Administration’s electronic registration. Here is a link to the General State Administration’s General Electronic Register (Explorer navigator recommended).
  • At post offices, for example.
  • At Spanish diplomatic missions or consular offices around the world.
  • At offices that provide registry help.

Participation is open from December 15, 2021, to April 15, 2022, at 13:00 (GMT+0).

For more information, go to:

Regulatory terms

Download the call for entries

To Apply, Click Here

Source: Nyscinfo

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