How To Apply For INEC ADHOC STAFF Recruitment


For the recruitment of ADHOC STAFF starting on the specified date, interested candidates should use the INECPRES Recruitment Portal at

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has made known that it is ready to hold the upcoming general election in 2023.

According to a memo sent internally by the Commission, INEC announced that the online hiring of ADHOC STAFF for the 2023 General Election would begin on September 14 and terminate on December 14 of that year.

“The Commission has approved the use of INECPRES and its reactivation for interested Applicants who wish to serve as ad-hoc staff for the 2023 General Elections.

“Consequent upon the above, the Commission has directed that all interested applicants with the exception of Collation/ Returning oficers must register on the INECPRES to be eligible for selection and deployment as ad-hoe staff in the 2023 General elections.

“To achieve the required number of ad-hoc staff per states, it is important that robust engagement/sensitization by the Admin. Secs /H0D EOPEOs& AFOS under the leadership of the RECs is commenced with the Authorities of Federal, State Tertiary Institutions and the NYSC oflices (state/ Government levels).

How to Apply

“Launch Period of the INECPRES: opens on Wednesday, 14th September by 8:00 am and closes on Wednesday, 14th December, 2022 by 08:00pm.

“The INECPRES is available via 2 links located on the INEC website: (a link for the Mobile App and the other link is for the web portal).

“The URL of the Registration web portal (laptop/ cyber café friendly) is

“The download link for the INECPRES Mobile App installer (android phones only) is

This information was first published on DMCA PROTECTED.

Source: Nyscinfo


About Stephen Adoga 2561 Articles
Stephen Adoga is a trained journalist, researcher, creative writer, content creator, video editor and freelancer. He studied Mass Communication at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, where he acquired requisite training for the practice of journalism. He loves the media. His interest mostly lies in the print medium where his creative writing skill makes him a perfect fit.