How To Apply For Mutual Trust Microfinance Loan

Mutual Trust Loan

Mutual Trust Micro Finance Bank is a microfinance institution in Nigeria that offers low-interest loans to people, businesses, and organizations.

MTMFB is a financial brand that was revitalized in April 2016 from the old Mark de Rock Mfb Ltd, with a change in name and management as a deliberate move to make our mark on the sands of the financial times in our part of the world, and to serve the lower echelons of the economic pyramid specifically, by affecting households.

Some financial requirements are stressful, frustrating, and sleep-depriving. This is why Mutual Trust Loan always follows through on their claims of quick, simple, and flexible loans.

The three types of Mutual Trust Microfinance Bank Loans are as follows:

Mutual Plus Loans

This is for Salary Earners in the Categorized Private Sector. Take advantage of our special financing offers designed specifically for you.

Small Business Loans

We have loans that can help you save, enhance, or expand your business, regardless of its size.

Who is Eligible to Submit a Mutual Trust Loan Application Form 2021 Federal Civil Servant?

You must be a confirmed federal civil official with active duty status in Nigeria.

What is the interest rate on a Mutual Trust Loan?

To qualify for a loan from us, your monthly net wage after deductions must be sufficient. In Nigeria, you can easily obtain loans ranging from N70, 000 to N3, 000, 000. There is no requirement for collateral.

Repayment Periods of 12 Months

Loan payback terms range from three months (90 days), six months (180 days), twelve months (360 days), and eighteen months (360 days).

Rates of Interest is 4%

Mutual Trust Loan Requirements

  • Your driver’s license or a pay stub from your employer
  • A photo from a recent passport.
  • Number for Bank Verification
  • How long does a Mutual Trust Loan take to complete?
  • After research and approval, obtaining a quick loan takes only 10 hours.

How to Apply for a Bank Loan

Please follow the steps below to apply for a Mutual Trust Microfinance Bank loan.

  • Visit for more information.
  • Select “APPLY NOW” from the drop-down menu.
  • Complete the online application form.
  • Submit the form.

Please read the following terms and conditions before applying for permission.

Source: Nyscinfo

About Stephen Adoga 2561 Articles
Stephen Adoga is a trained journalist, researcher, creative writer, content creator, video editor and freelancer. He studied Mass Communication at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, where he acquired requisite training for the practice of journalism. He loves the media. His interest mostly lies in the print medium where his creative writing skill makes him a perfect fit.